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File Selector - mass rename or "keep folder structure but tranform root portion"

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  • Late2DM

    • Dec 2005
    • 19

    File Selector - mass rename or "keep folder structure but tranform root portion"

    The combination of "Keep Path When Convert (KPWC)" and "Output To Folder:[named path] (OTF)" in the dMC File Selector provides an extraordinary degree of functionality and usability! There is, IMO, one additional feature required for near-perfection -- the concept of "preserve folder structure below X and replicate within Y". Clarification follows.

    I am in the process of archiving my CD collection in FLAC in the following folder structure -- [x:\Music\ArtistName\CdTitle\*.flac]. My iAudio X5L digital audio player requires music to be stored in the [\Music] folder. The player's requirement, combined with my FLAC organization and KPWC with OTF [I:] means I can easily select any subset of my music to transcode to OGG directly to the player and keep the source folder structure. JUST TOO COOL! The correspondence between the source and target folder structures ("roots") makes this work.

    However, assume music is stored in [My Music]. The transcode from source directly to the desired target becomes quite complicated. An option to specify "Keep Organization Below: [C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\My Music]" and "Replicate Within: [x:\Music]" would be a superb addition. This could be implemented as an option on the file selector window or as a mass-rename function on the File Rename window.

    Clearly there are other ways to solve the problem, but the complexity might be too much for the average user of dMC. For example:

    1. Use the DOS SUBST command:
    -- open a DOS window and issue the command: [SUBST Z: "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\My Music"]
    -- open Music Selector and select files to convert from drive Z:
    -- specify KPWC and OTF [I:\Music]
    -- issue the DOS command [SUBST Z: /d]

    2. Original folder, XCOPY, delete
    -- select music, don't specify KPWC but use "Output To: Same Folder As Original"
    -- open a DOS window and issue the command: [XCOPY "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\My Music\*.ogg" I:\Music /d:01-01-1970 /s]
    -- open Windows Explorer and search for *.ogg in the My Music folder and delete all files in the search results pane (using Shift+Delete to avoid recycle bin issues) assuming all *.ogg files are the ones just created and then copied to the player.

    I am new to dBpowerAMP and think the combination of KPWC and OTF is killer! Apologies for being verbose.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: File Selector - mass rename or "keep folder structure but tranform root portion"

    That tends to be the realm of the [Arrange Music] utility codec, it convert all to one folder then arrange.

