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Easy Tag Editing for multiple files....

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  • STAR

    • Sep 2002
    • 24

    Easy Tag Editing for multiple files....

    say you have an album that you need to edit ID tags for... it'd be nice to be able to select them all at once and add in the generic iformation... Artist... Album Title... year... genre...
    and then have the program put in the rest... track number and album title...
    You could do this by setting the program to distigush how you have your files named... like you can do to name them when you make them in the audio cd input....
    i.e. Artist - Album Title -Track Number- Title
    You could set it up to put in the album title and artist for you that way... then you'd only have to put in genre and year.
    You could even make it backwards compatible too right? with the file re-namer thingy.... so that you can take the tag and have it name the file the way you want it named. but it seems more likely to me that I'd change the title by hand and let a little proggie help with the ID tagging... just a suggestion to make the process quicker... hope you consider adding it with the music arranger maybe...
  • STAR

    • Sep 2002
    • 24

    I've seen other programs that can they call it.. mass tag editing.. one of the better ones is called wmaino. It lets you edit mp3's or wmas in mass quantities. Convert from tag to filename in any manner which you set in the options... or from filename to tag (also set up to be done correctly through the options). All it asks of you is to enter the format you want to convert from tag from. ie. Artist - Album -track#- Title. and the same with converting from filename to tag.
    You can also check little boxes to designate a similar field... like the genre, artist, album, year... makes it really easy.
    I'd love to see you throw this into the powerpack. It'd be a great addition for us mass collectors THANKS IN ADVANCE SPOON!

    heres a link to wmainfo if you wanna have a look to see what I mean.


    • Unregistered

      id3 version1 and 2 editing

      First; Great Program! I am greatfull to the developer(s).

      Second; When an mp3 has both id3 v1 and v2 info, the "my music collection" screen displays the v2 info. When you right click on the track and select "edit tag" it shows you the v2 info, and you can edit it. BUT, when you click "ok" it saves what you just edited as v1 info. The "my music collection" screen temporarily keeps the edited version displayed, untill you clear the tracks out of the "collection". Once you load that song with the edited id3 tag the mp3 has the original v2 info displayed, and the info you edited hidden away as v1. this is kinda frustrating....My idea for a solution would be, when you "edit tag" it should save the info you edited as both v1 and v2. This would solve this problem. And I dont see why people would want 2 different id3 info sets per mp3 anyway, so overwritting everything wouldnt hurt. Or even easier, when you "edit tag" it should simply save as v2!



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        This is a bug I am working on these last few days, the next beta of dMC will fix it.


        • Joseph
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Oct 2002
          • 211

          You can also try selecting the option of Never v1 or Never v2


          • Unregistered

            Yea that would be nice .... I use Musicmatch to that at present it will retag your entire library if you allow it with all your tag info.


            • MasterOfPuppets
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Nov 2002
              • 139

              dap & dmc are great programs, but the problem with the id tags has driven me insane

              whatever option i select for id3 tag formation, it almost always comes out to the same thing. on a lot of tracks i have, when i go to 'edit tag' in explorer, change the tag, click ok, and go to 'edit tag' for the same track, all the editing i just did suddenly disappears. when i load up my music collection it still stays the same! :confused:

              well w/e hope u fix the bug soon :smile:


              • MasterOfPuppets
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Nov 2002
                • 139

                ha...scratch that.

                just downloaded the lastest beta version of dmc, the one with the id3 tag bug fix. works like a charm :supersmil . glad to see it.

                something for the wishlist; a program (or add-on / feature for dmc) that copies the tags for an audio file or for multiple files from id3 v1 to v2, from v2 to v1 or from the filename to v1 or v2. it is really frustrating sumtimes when i make a new music collection and it adds the files with the wrong tag. :headbang: it takes a long time to change all of the errors in all of the files, i have about 1000 audio files stored on my harddrive (997 to be exact)

                kwickie kwestion: whats the diff between v2 & v1 besides the character length in the fields?
                Last edited by MasterOfPuppets; November 10, 2002, 02:02 PM.


                • Joseph
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Oct 2002
                  • 211

                  There should also be a button so you can skip to the next track when tag editing. Or an auto tag feature that looks up the information on the FreeDB and tags all the files in one folder that would also be gREAT


                  • MasterOfPuppets
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Nov 2002
                    • 139

                    i'd say definitely look into the auto tagging feature, that would make all of our lives easier, so we can stop spending time tagging our files and spend more time listening to them :D

