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getpopupinfo failure

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  • shadowjuan

    • Oct 2004
    • 6

    getpopupinfo failure

    I've noticed music converter writes correctly tags but getpopupinfo shows them wrong, I mean, like this:

    El Sueño de Morfeo - Volveré

    is shown in Explorer tips (the yellow rectangle when hover the mouse over a file)

    Artist: El Sue&·¨o de Morfeo
    Title: Volver"$%

    or something like that. It's matter of getpopupinfo :vmad: ... I think it's not too hard to solve but would be nice to have displayed correct tags...

  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662

    Re: getpopupinfo failure

    Do you have foreign character sets enabled (as described in Christina's post here:
    1. Found a solution for my very slow seeking time problem with my Rio Karma in the Rio Forums quote: FLAC seeking is very slow unless your FLACs have seek-tables in their headers. You should make sure that your FLAC encoder command line has "-S 10s" in it, and, if you want to add seek-tables to existing FLAC

    What format are these files (mp3, ogg vorbis, etc)?
    What tagging options do you have set for these options (can be found in dMC Configuration, Start>All Programs>dBpowerAMP music Converter>Configuration>dBpowerAMP Music Converter Configuration)?

    Does this information display properly elsewhere?

    Best wishes,


    • shadowjuan

      • Oct 2004
      • 6

      Re: getpopupinfo failure

      Here is the exact problem.

      In file tag i've got this info:
      -Title: Dos Horas Después
      -Artist: Joaquín Sabina

      In the yellow info square I got this info:
      -Title: Dos Horas Después
      -Artist: JoaquÃ~n Sabina

      And so on... But but when I try to write tags via Edit Tag (I manually always edit tags id3v1 & v2 simultaneously, anyway)... in context menu, it works and writes whatever I type...

      So, problem is with getpopupinfo.exe. I use Windows Professional XP SP-2 and built-in mp3 codecs... And in Windows' same feature (the yellow square with the info) tags are OK...

      I've tried to set all options in DMC Configuration at Yes, and newest versions, etc. but stil doesn't work properly...

      And Windows Language has never showed me any problem :(

      BTW I have downloaded release 11.5 and the problem is still present.


      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: getpopupinfo failure

        Just run dMC Configuration and copy the configuration to the clipboard and paste it here.

        It must be in how you handle ID tags.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44840

          Re: getpopupinfo failure

          It might interest you that I am writing dmc R12 right now, that will be fully unicode compatible (as well as xp 64bit), watch this space as they say.

