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DBPower Amp shell Extensions In Linux

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  • raid517

    • Jul 2005
    • 11

    DBPower Amp shell Extensions In Linux

    Hi I wonder since DBPowerAmp now claims to be supported in Linux under wine if the developers might be kind enough to provide some KDE servicemenus to enable some of DBPowerAmps more advanced windows like right click functionality? Baically service menues are extremely simple and work more or less exactly like Windows shell extensions. They have a very simple syntax and are extremely easy to write. All they would need to do would be to issue the comand exec=wine - followed by the exec line normally used on windows files and folders, followed by path to the dbpoweramp executable. So essntially you could have DBpowerAmp righclick shell extensions in KDE under Wine.

    Also I wonder if the developer/s might consider seeking official Codeweavers Crossover Office Wine compatability certification? I ask as Wine has now matured sufficiently so that developers can even perhaps now consider building and designing their software, specifically with Wine (and Windows) compatability in mind.

    For more information on creating KDE service menus, please look here:

    Best regards,

  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: DBPower Amp shell Extensions In Linux

    As it as been said before, there is only one programmer and developer for all of the Illustrate products: Spoon. At the moment, he is busy enough with just the Windows versions. Eventually, there may be a native Linux version, but for now its Windows-only.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: DBPower Amp shell Extensions In Linux

      Currently there is no command line code that is used to activate on the shell (it is an embedded dll). Future dmc versions should be more command line friendly.

