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all Codec's in one bundle?

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  • Jeph

    • Apr 2005
    • 2

    all Codec's in one bundle?


    dMc is a nice program. I like it, but..
    i didn't found all Codec's in one bundle / pack ( like XviD for DixX), so my question :
    You did one and if not it's possible to do all Codec's in one pack?
    With one installation also you should have all Codec's on your computer.
    Would like it. And sorry, if i didn't saw something like that
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: all Codec's in one bundle?

    There isn't a bundle of codecs becausing installing codecs you don't use is a waste of space and installing too many codecs may cause errors. It is separate so that you install only the codecs you use.


    • Jeph

      • Apr 2005
      • 2

      Re: all Codec's in one bundle?

      Ok,you're right.
      Just was interested to get all Codec's in one bundle. The space problem wouldn't be that problem for me, but you're right, that too many Codecs may cause errors. Alright, then
      Thanks for the fast answer


      • milfzor

        • Dec 2004
        • 24

        Re: all Codec's in one bundle?

        You would run into the same problems that you do with video codec bundles...install the wrong ones and they start conflicting with each other and they cause problems...also if you have too many codecs installed, it will slow down your opening of a file during playback at far as having all the plugins FOR dbpoweramp installed, i'd imagine it would only have one or two side effects...the first being that it would be VERY slow opening the program [at least i'd assume so, as it would have to load all of them] also, i could see it possibly slightly slowing down encodes [not sure exactly how "smart" the program is, and if it goes through the entire list of codecs before starting each encode or not, looking for the correct one] Other than that, if you tried to encode to a format thats installed in dbpoweramp but you dont have the actual audio codec installed, it would cause an error in dbpoweramp...this i know from experiance.


        • xoas
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2002
          • 2662

          Re: all Codec's in one bundle?

          I hesitate to admit this and I really don't recommend this but I do have around 27 codecs installed (not counting the utility codecs I have). Loading time for dMC and dAP is not unreasonable. I don't experience noticeable delays between tracks with dAP and when crashes occur these are almost always for other causes.

          Still, this is less than half of the available codecs and I only use maybe 4 or 5 with any regularity.

          As I say, I don't really recommend this. I just wanted to point out some of the robustnessof these programs.

          Best wishes,
          Last edited by xoas; August 05, 2005, 10:55 AM.


          • milfzor

            • Dec 2004
            • 24

            Re: all Codec's in one bundle?

            27 AUDIO codecs? good grief.....or is that codecs total? The only ones i use regularly are ogg wma (my car stereo supports it and with wma 9.1, its slightly better than mp3 in my opinion at least..using 2 pass settings)and flac, ape, and most recently .la...i dont even really use mp3 conversions any more..if i want it lossy compressed, it goes straight to ogg, if im archiving it, it goes straight to .la...the other codecs (such as flac) are stuff that i run into kinda often, and ape is what i USED to archive my cd's probably doesnt make a SIGNIFICANT speed differance, but i bet there is still some sort of a differance as far as loading (maybe not even noticable) but i personally try to keep my pc clean of stuff i dont use...when the heck am i gonna use VFQ for example :D even for stuff like regular file compression, i run ONLY 7-zip, i dont even have winzip (except for the built in winxp version) winrar, winace...any of that stuff..if i run into an .ace file, for example, i just download a program that can decompress it...shareware or whatever, then decompress the file, and uninstall it, and clean my registry.....guess im a bit of a perfectionist, thats all....but definately would not advise to have a ton of codecs installed....especially ones ya dont use..they arent doing anything except for wasting space.


            • donny
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Oct 2002
              • 761

              Re: all Codec's in one bundle?

              I don't knwo sometimes it is usefull to have some of those codecs if you encounter some weird looking files... I for instance had matroska (video container) without being sure what it is, and then soon received some files in that format...

              of course you can't have all of the codecs and some are really suficient, but you always have to have a balance in everything you do


              • milfzor

                • Dec 2004
                • 24

                Re: all Codec's in one bundle?

                Not to knock can definately be useful...but generally when i run into a file i dont know what it is, i either go to or just google it till i hit something that looks like what it probably is. Between those two methods, i have found out what some of the most obscure formats are used for.....and btw, .mkv rocks, keep going with it.


                • harpy

                  • Mar 2007
                  • 1

                  Re: all Codec's in one bundle?

                  makes sense to me.i have ogg,ape,lame,shn,wav and cda( i know..cda is not a codec)
                  i love all of them for different reasons but if you are into trading stuff many people trade in shn(the greatfull dead folks) and others in ape
                  they will not use mp3s
                  so having them all seems to make life easier.
                  my problems have always been with the burner itself and i will now get to that forum to gripe about it and how bad its working! :smile2:

