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Song ratings on the fly...

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  • PollieXmas

    • Apr 2005
    • 10

    Song ratings on the fly...

    Well, you did ask for it...

    I'll start with the easy request ;-)

    I'd like to rate my music in the player while listening to the track. Eg. right-clicking the album, artist and/or the track should give me a "star-bar" that I can slide up or down. (0 stars should also be a rating.)

    I presume this info is stored as part of the file but I would prefer that this info is written to my audio profile/db.

    The reason why I want an audio profile is because I have lost count how many times I ripped my entire collection...

    Luckily I have not bothered with the preference settings as I cannot see myself going through my entire collection track for track to rate it (and then to loose all the info when I re-rip.)

    I would like to start rating my tracks and create some playlists but expect to have to re-rip it somewhere in the future, so if it is in a seperate file/db I would be able to simply re-aply it after I have ripped it.

    Better yet, the player should also be able to "over-ride" the tag settings with my audio profile setting. This way I can simply take my profile to someone elses pc and listen to his collection acording to my preferences. (I've heard of companies that provide an mp3 server to their employees as it's probably cheaper than installing "white noise".)

    Anyway, I can then submit my profile to any cd store and get their recommendations of what to buy next or what someone with a similar profile to me bought. Not unlike the Amazon profile, but I'd like to be able to take my profile to any company selling CD's and amazon might know what I bought but don't know which tracks I liked or not.

    Of course good profile interpreting software will slip in the occasional song that is not related to your profile, just to prevent you from becoming one-dimensional...

    If you develop it we'll push other companies to support it.

    Hands up who think this is a good idea :-)

