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Linux port would be great!

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  • Turin

    • Mar 2005
    • 1

    Linux port would be great!

    Look I've tried the wine thing. Its not ...nice to me!
    dbpoweramp is good stuff. but I'm scared of the other side (windows)

    I could try and help ..hey what do you say.
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Linux port would be great!

    It would be nice, yes, but unfortunately Spoon is the one that does all the programming. Yes, one person gives us all these wonderful programs. However, this in combination with Spoon probably having a real job keeps him from making a Linux port/Mac port.
    Last edited by LtData; March 19, 2005, 04:01 PM.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Linux port would be great!

      It works in Wine.

      I am always keeping an eye on the Apple range, the Apple Mini systems will increase their numbers by somewhat...


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Linux port would be great!

        dMC works in WINE, but has the Audio CD Input part functioned under WINE?


        • Qwavel

          • Mar 2005
          • 4

          Re: Linux port would be great!

          dmc is probably written to Win32/MFC (am I right?).

          So WINE IS the best way to port it.

          If it doesn't work right on WINE then maybe a change to WINE is needed.

          A real port to Linux/Mac, such as switching to wxWindows would not be easy, particularly for an app like this.

          It appears to me that Spoon does attempt to make his software work with WINE, and to make users aware of that. To me, this means he is making a reasonable and sensible effort towards portability.

          Perhaps you could explain why dmc/WINE doesn't work for you?


          • powadha

            • Sep 2002
            • 4

            Re: Linux port would be great!

            Wine is the best way to port it? I hope that is just bad English. We are not waiting for any software to be ported to Wine. Wine is just a peace of software which makes it possible to use software of those developers who doesn't or may not understand/see the benfits of Open Source software. I'm not saying there is no good ' close software', but if dbpoweram would be 'ported' I'd rather see no version at all then some half done linux version (Nero burning rom is a nice example). Supporting linux is more then just making a .rpm or .deb of the software you've created, it's about understanding Open Source.
            Since I'm a Debian user I believe in Open Source in it's purest form. True, I'm an enduser so I do feel the need of apps which I know of will never be Open Source (wee all hate macromedia now don't we). Asking developers for a closed version of software will never make them see the light though and won't help your cause.
            For now dbpoweramp is a great peace of software for little money on Win. Don't try to make it the same on Linux, it just don't fit there the way it is now.

            Just my opinion

