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random mp3 cd-r creation

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  • alan evil

    • Jan 2005
    • 20

    random mp3 cd-r creation

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask for this but these products rock and I don't think I'm the only person who would be interested in this.

    I've got several mp3 cd players around and about (car, work boombox, discman). I've gotten addicted to listening to my collection on random on the computer and I realized I could take 702MB of randomness with me on cd.

    Here's a complete description of how I do this now:

    I would love to delete MMJB and never look back. So here's what I would like:

    1. A burner program that will randomly collect its contents from a specified folder(s) or drive(s) with various limits on file size, type, etc. For example I could ask it to fill a cd-r from My Music on drive G and from Music on drive C, ignoring all files larger than 30MB and importing .mp3 only in quality of 128kbps or better(or .mp3 & .wmv, etc.).

    2. Allow editing of file titles in the burner window with a refresh option that doesn't rename everything and that isn't bugged about the file name length until it is time to burn. That's a problem with MMJB in that I often go to change the first number on a song name (let's say there are two Hendrix tracks next to each other and I'd rather one comes at the end so I renumber it from 03 to 11) only to have that change rejected because the name is too long to begin with. I'd rather it just truncate the new, too long name before burning so I don't have to keep clicking the damned title to shorten it up on my own.

    3. Automatically search for replacement files to fill the disc whenever a file is deleted from the burner window so if I see some half finished thing a friend sent me and I delete it the program will automatically go find another song to replace it.

    Now once hardware mp3 players come down in price there won't be too many of us using the program but I know for the next year or so I would be using it at least once a week. I make these cds for myself and I send them out to my peoples all the time.

    Actually, come to think of it it would be nice if this same program would load up portable mp3 players as well. The 128MB models are relatively affordable but I'd need to change the songs daily and I'd rather the selections were random. With over 60GB of mp3s the only way I'm going to hear a lot of my music is if it's just sort of randomly plunked down in front of me.

    If there is a relatively easy way to make random cds with dbPoweramp products, let me know. MMJB is a resource monster and is incredibly slow. It's also very buggy for me.

    Thanks a bunch,
    Alan Evil
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: random mp3 cd-r creation

    >If there is a relatively easy way to make random cds with dbPoweramp products

    There is with dbpoweramp audio player - load tracks in to the musc collection and use the random selector to a certain size - for selected tracks you can right click >> convert to >> audio cd (make sure the smart compression is set up to send the files as is).


    • alan evil

      • Jan 2005
      • 20

      Re: random mp3 cd-r creation

      I don't want audio cds. Those things are SO last week. I'm making cd-rs of mp3s. I haven't really had time to mess with the player yet. Maybe tonight.

