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Converting to/from AMR format for phones

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  • Paul Gausman

    • Jan 2005
    • 1

    Converting to/from AMR format for phones

    I would love to be able to use my DMC software to convert files to and from AMR format to create ring tones. There is info about codecs at but I don't think anyone has tried to add this to DMC software yet. (It's beyond me...) I have a multistep method for doing this now, but it requires that the file be a WAV, edited to a short length, converted to a low sample rate and then converted. It would be cool if it were simpler. Anyone know of anything for DMC that does this or will do this sometime?
  • bsiegel

    • Feb 2005
    • 17

    Re: Converting to/from AMR format for phones

    Funny you should mention this. I'm working on a CLI encoder that will do just that. The decoding bit I haven't tried yet, since it relies on building a DLL. I'll take a look at doing the decoder, but the encoder is what I am working with now.

    All I need to find out is how (or if ) I can tell dMC that it needs to take the input file and downsample it to 8 kHz (16 bit) before sending to the encoder. Anyone know how I can do that?

    --Brandon Siegel


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Converting to/from AMR format for phones

      If you drop me an email I can integrate such code (working you have written) in to a dbpoweramp codec.


