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File Directory Control

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  • premasagar

    • Oct 2004
    • 4

    File Directory Control

    There is something that bugs the hell out of me when I use the dBpowerAMP Music Converter. No, it's nothing to do with ripping, encoding or anything like that - I'm happy with most of these aspects...

    When choosing where to save the new files you get a "Folder" field that suggests where to save them. E.g. "D:\Music\MP3 Files\Newly Encoded\". Now, if I want to slightly alter that directory - say, go another folder closeby or within that folder - I click on "Browse" and I have to go right to the top of the directory structure and start from scratch.
    It must be possible for the folder explorer to start straight away from where it is suggesting that I save the files.

    And another thing for the wish list regarding directory control. It would be great if there could be rules for specifying which directory should be created for saving the files, in the same way that rules can be specified for naming the encoded files.
    For Example, save in "D:\Music\MP3 Files\Newly Encoded\" & these rules:
    <artist> - (<year>) <album title>
    (e.g. The Beatles - (1968) The White Album)

    It could include an option to omit the word "The" from artists (e.g. The Beatles -> Beatles), or place the "The" after the other word (e.g. The Beatles -> Beatles, The).

    All sorts of things possible. Now that would be dandy.
    Any thoughts?

  • Wayne
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Aug 2002
    • 1254

    Re: File Directory Control

    There are rules already that allow you to create folders.

    e.g <artist>\<Album>\<Artist> - (<year>) <album title>

    The only feature not available is the adjustment of the Artist's name. Couldn't you update the artist's name yourself within CD Audio Input prior to ripping the CD?



    • premasagar

      • Oct 2004
      • 4

      Re: File Directory Control

      Originally posted by Wayne
      There are rules already that allow you to create folders.

      e.g <artist>\<Album>\<Artist> - (<year>) <album title>

      How do I set these rules? I have looked again at the program options and I don't see how this is possible. Excuse me if I am missing something...



      • xoas
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2002
        • 2662

        Re: File Directory Control

        Open Audio CD Input, click on the Options button. The window that appears allows you to set the file creation/filepath option as well as many others.

        Best wishes,
        Bill mikkelsen


        • premasagar

          • Oct 2004
          • 4

          Re: File Directory Control

          Originally posted by xoas
          Open Audio CD Input, click on the Options button. The window that appears allows you to set the file creation/filepath option as well as many others.
          Yeeesss, but unless I'm missing something, this doesn't do what I am suggesting.
          The filepath allows you to choose where to save the files from a CD and the file creation options allow you to choose how to name the files.
          What I am suggesting is a two-step process for choosing the file directory to be created:

          1) Chose default root directory for new folders to be save to.
          2) Choose rules to determine how to name a new folder within that default directory.

          1) Choose default directory: D:\MP3 Files\Newly Encoded\
          2) Choose rules for new folder: <artist> - (<year>) <title>

          So, if I had just inserted The Beatles White Album into my CD drive, dBpowerAMP would automatically connect to freedb and put in the track names - great. Then, I would just click "Rip" and it would automatically save my ripped files in a new folder: D:\MP3 Files\Newly Encoded\Beatles - (1968) White Album. Then no need to manually name a new folder to be created.

          I don't think this is currently possible. If it is, please could you explain step-by-step how it is done.

          And my suggestion to have the "Browse" button start from the previously selected directory, not the C: root directory, still stands.



          • ChristinaS
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2004
            • 4097

            Re: File Directory Control

            Ok, what you didn't notice perhaps in the options given for File creation, you can set them to many different formats. Any time you you insert a backslash between 2 fields, that means that a subdirectory will be created.

            So you can built your file name and path this way for instance:

            [genre]\[artist]\[album]-[year]-[track ##]-[title]
            You can combine any of the fields showing in that window to create file path and name. This will create (or use an exiting folder) for the genre, will create (or use an existing) subfolder for the artist, and inside that create the file names in the format [album]-[year]-[track ##]-[title] .

            You can be as creative as you like in the structure you want.


            • premasagar

              • Oct 2004
              • 4

              Re: File Directory Control

              Originally posted by ChristinaS
              Any time you you insert a backslash between 2 fields, that means that a subdirectory will be created.
              Well blow me down! I never noticed that. Aha, so it's more useful than I thought, uh?

              Thank you for taking the time to explain it all.



              • ChristinaS
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Apr 2004
                • 4097

                Re: File Directory Control

                Originally posted by premasagar
                Well blow me down! I never noticed that. Aha, so it's more useful than I thought, uh?

                Thank you for taking the time to explain it all.

                LOL! Yep! :D

                Just don't forget your path and file name structure or you'll be chasing your files around all over your HD.

                Once you become familiar and conversant with all the features in dMC & Co, you'll realize they are all awesome programs.

                I'd actually like to see the default path and this naming structure echoed on the front panel of dMC CD Audio Input, if not actually accessible right from there instead of deep inside Options. Many moments of intense head scratching and hair pulling as to "where the heck did it all go"? would be recycled into more useful pursuits :D

