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a better HE-AAC encoder instead of Nero digital?

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  • chris goussey

    a better HE-AAC encoder instead of Nero digital?

    the aac+ ecoder of nero digital doesn't produce high quality encodings, it converts too "robust", produces for example a lot of clipped samples. I wander if there are any other encoders for use in dbpoweramp
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: a better HE-AAC encoder instead of Nero digital?

    Nero created AAC HE, and AFAIK they have the only encoder.


    • chris goussey

      Re: a better HE-AAC encoder instead of Nero digital?

      Nero created their HE-AAC encoder together with ateme, but the format is an ISO standard. As far as i know, converting audio to 64 kb/s with he-aac will deliver better quality compared with wma (of course) and even mp3pro. Then why isn't it used more?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: a better HE-AAC encoder instead of Nero digital?

        It is an iso, but Nero will have the patents on it.


        • chris goussey

          Re: a better HE-AAC encoder instead of Nero digital?

          what i've said about the clipped samples: it's just bullshit - it occurs with other formats to (ogg - lame mp3). I was to hard for the encoders by amplifying a wave-file so that it just didn't clipped - and then I encode the file. I don't say they aren't a little little clipped, but it's impossible to hear.


          • hans-j�rgen

            • Sep 2004
            • 44

            Re: a better HE-AAC encoder instead of Nero digital?

            Generally it's not recommended to make a WAV file louder than it originally was before encoding it, because the codec will sometimes increase the loud passages, too, so "by amplifying a wave-file so that it just didn't clipped" you are heading for trouble with almost any compression format. Some codecs like LAME prevent this with special internal settings, but others don't. The usually recommended way to normalize different volume levels of an album before encoding is to only lower the loud passages, e.g. with tools like ReplayGain.

            Concerning the question about other HE AAC codecs there is Real or rather Helix Producer which comes with a Coding Technologies HE AAC codec (who invented it, not Nero). As far as I have understood their license jungle, this is only available for developers implementing Helix Producer in their own applications.


            • bsiegel

              • Feb 2005
              • 17

              Re: a better HE-AAC encoder instead of Nero digital?

              I've created a CLI encoder based on the Coding Technologies reference encoder sourcecode (which is freely available). Please see:
              Well, I've developed a CLI codec for Enhanced AACPlus, aka AACPlus v2, aka AAC+SBR+PS using the reference encoder sourcecode provided by Coding Technologies. I had to modify the source a little bit because the encoder wants only 48kHz or 32kHz audio, but the only forceable sample rate dbPowerAmp provides is 44.1kHz. Audio

              --Brandon Siegel

