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mp3 to mid

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  • fenriz

    • Jul 2004
    • 1

    mp3 to mid

    dppowerAMP takes anything, the only thing that is missing is an mp3 or wav to mid converting. As I'm working on an Music webzine, would I appreciate if I had that opportunity too with this major skills program.

    Is it anything that would be fixed in the future?

    Keep on good working

    Cheers! :smile2:
  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: mp3 to mid

    Originally posted by fenriz
    dppowerAMP takes anything, the only thing that is missing is an mp3 or wav to mid converting. As I'm working on an Music webzine, would I appreciate if I had that opportunity too with this major skills program.

    Is it anything that would be fixed in the future?

    Keep on good working

    Cheers! :smile2:
    There are some programs out there (e.g. WIDI from , AmazingMIDI from ) that attempt to convert wav to mid by approximating the melody and you get to select the instruments to be used for that. They report about 90-95% accuracy (in the melody line), however the missing 5-10% makes the result quite poor. It may be good enough though to run through a notation program and print a basic score sheet (maybe to be used as a lead sheet), or to elaborate on through a midi composition program and add more instruments to it.

    You'll have to remember that midi is not audio as such, it is a collection of functions that generate sound through the soundcard from the soundbanks that you have available on your pc. This explains why there is such a great variance in the quality of the sound being reproduced on different pc's and even on the same pc using different soundbanks.

    Because of all these consideration, dMC cannot simply convert a midi file when even those dedicated programs get poor conversion results.

    The best way to handle this situation is to capture to wav the audio produced by the soundcard when the midi file is played. Then you can convert that wav file to whatever you wish.

    Capturing to wav can be done in numerous ways. Some of the professional and even (free or inexpensive) home recording programs can create an audio mix down from a midi file (e.g. Anvil Studio from , Record Producer Deluxe from, etc). The accessory software called What U Hear that you have with some Creative labs soundcards can also do this while the midi file is being played in you favourite media player (WMP or other).

    dMC AUxiliary Input can also accomplish this capture through it's Record function and here's a thread that explains it

