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2 wishes

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  • Elmorôth

    2 wishes

    - playlist: easier adding from within music library:

    ==> right click to add an item to the active playlist
    ==> now we have to add files from within the playlist window, which means a lot of work if you want to add several files from different directories (even with drag & drop)

    - enqueue: ability to delete an enqueued item, now you have to delete the whole bunch if you mis-added some song

    anyway, great job nonetheless
  • Elmorôth

    Re: 2 wishes

    I just thought of something else...

    - in the music library, your music is arranged by artist - title...
    even if you arrange by album then artist, it's still arranged by artist - title

    - I think it would be better if it were so that you see the all the tracks of one album together.

    - that is my idea. maybe other people think otherwise, so I think it should be possible to chose how the arrangement is done, so that people can play with it and come up with a solution that works best for them


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44843

      Re: 2 wishes

      I think the beta version of dap will sort an album on the tracks.


      • Elmorôth

        • Jun 2004
        • 7

        Re: 2 wishes

        I have beta 5 and it still sorts on artist - track, doesn't seem to be looking at the album or tracknumber,
        however if you choose 'select same' --> 'album' it does sort on tracknumber.

        now the songs of an artist are sorted alphabetically ==> I would like to see them sorted by album. (and perhaps the albums in the order they were produced)

        it's not a big deal though, just an esthetic thing :smile2:
        would be nice to see it in there anyway.
        (something like better overal feeling of the program :D )


        • Elmorôth

          • Jun 2004
          • 7

          Re: 2 wishes

          I'm sorry.
          just found out how to do it. ==> in preferences, you get to choose the second row to sort on (choose album). then, If I sort on tracknumber and next on artist, it fits just right


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44843

            Re: 2 wishes

            Does the smart sorting option not do that?


            • Elmorôth

              • Jun 2004
              • 7

              Re: 2 wishes

              yes, smart sorting on album does the trick.
              I had to sort on track, then artist (which smart sorted on album then).
              that way they were sorted just like I wanted. And it stays that way, even if I restart dAP

