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codec for .OMA files

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  • Unregistered

    Re: codec for .OMA files

    Thanks for posting...but it's not working for me. I can't find the tracks in the conversion tool. Anyone else has the same problem?

    Originally posted by Oli
    If you make microphone recording with a Sony HI-MD then this is THE answer for converting .oma files to .wav: the Official SONY WAV Conversion Tool.

    Here's a quote:

    The WAV Conversion Tool is software designed to convert OpenMG™ Audio format files to PCM WAV files. Specifically, this tool is only for OpenMG Audio format files that have been recorded through the MIC or LINE-IN (analog) input from a Hi-MD™ Walkman® device and uploaded to SonicStage® software. Convertible tracks recorded through a Hi-MD device can be converted to WAV format files using the WAV Conversion Tool.

    It works a treat for me. Finally Sony has got something right! Now my Minidisc can be used for what I bought it for, making digital recordings of university lectures and live music that I make with my friends which I can play on a CD. :D


    • Unregistered

      Re: codec for .OMA files


      This method works!!!!

      Originally posted by Unregistered
      Don't Waist Your CD's!

      Download latest copy of SonicStage
      Open SonicStage
      Click; Tools
      Click; Options
      Click; Creating a CD
      Change the "Location Folder" to something easy for you to pull up or remember, such as C:\oma
      Open the folder you just created
      Open any other folder you can work with (C:\wavefiles)
      Drop a blank CD into your burner
      Click the SonicStage button "Transfer" using the (Create an Audio CD) option. (In the upper right hand corner of the application.)
      Click; Controls
      Click: Create CD
      In the dropdown box select "Test Only"
      Click: Start Writing
      Go to your location folder (C:\oma) where you will soon see a *.tmp file (~sss0000001.tmp)
      As soon as you hear your CD spinning up your "tmp" file will max out it's file size (typically about 30,000 to 70,000KB) Copy the *.tmp file to the "other folder" (C:\wavefiles)
      Rename the file (songname.wav)
      Use whatever you wish to convert the wave file to mp3, wma, whatever.
      Can be done with several files at a time.
      You must be viewing file extensions in order to change the name of the extension.


      • Oli

        Re: codec for .OMA files

        Originally posted by Unregistered
        Thanks for posting...but it's not working for me. I can't find the tracks in the conversion tool. Anyone else has the same problem?
        You have to first use sonicstage to download the audio recordings from your HI-MD minidisc recorder to your PC. Once you've downloaded it then close sonicstage and open WAV conversion tool. The tracks you downloaded will appear.


        • Unregistered

          Re: codec for .OMA files

          I just dl'd this one -- works great -- actually CONVERTS from OMA to MP3 (and not by just re-naming the file extension!). Only issue I see is that it also creates a WAV at the same time, however I guess it's easy enough to click the "delete" button on the WAV file.

          Use in good health:


          • Unregistered

            Re: codec for .OMA files

            I am also having issuues with omg files. I downloaded all my music onto a friends Sony Vaio using Sonic Stage. I know have a pc and have copied all the files accross to my pc but obviously not being Sony, iTunes (and iPod) do not recognise the omg music files. Now the files are on my pc how can i convert then out of omg to an extension recognised by iTunes without going back to the original source on the Sony Vaio?


            • Unregistered

              Re: codec for .OMA files

              This works for Astronaut (Duran Duran):

              1. Install the Sony Music Player (Installer located in the directory Bin\Win32 of the CD and called MQSETUP.exe) and select a directory to store the files you will import.
              2. Restart your PC.
              3. Be sure the CD is in the CD player and launch Music Player.
              4. Click on the arrow near to Import Album. Music Player will detect the original CD and a window with the tracklist will pop up.
              5. Select the files you want to import and click on the button above the tracklist to import the .oma files on your Hard Disk.
              6. Go to the directory you 've chosen during the installation of Music Player.
              7. Make a copy of every .oma file and change the extension of each copied file to .mp3.
              8. Open them with Windows Media Player.

              They should play, even if they are "fake" .mp3 (no bitrate or any other MP3 property if you look under the file properties).


              • Quico13

                Re: codec for .OMA files

                i've installed the sony official software to convert OMG to Wav, but i have a problem, i can open the software but i can't change "my library" folder, and it isn't the same that i have with other sony applications, do you know which folder is the one who this program uses like "my library"??


                • Unregistered

                  Re: codec for .OMA files

                  Originally posted by Quico13
                  i've installed the sony official software to convert OMG to Wav, but i have a problem, i can open the software but i can't change "my library" folder, and it isn't the same that i have with other sony applications, do you know which folder is the one who this program uses like "my library"??
                  The Sony WaveConverter is not universal and more shit-sorry!
                  Super is the Hi-MD Renderer

                  It is fantastic and universal!!

                  Test it !


                  • FlameGrilled

                    • Nov 2004
                    • 1

                    Re: codec for .OMA files

                    I know what i'm about to say is gonna offend some (the inherent WMA haters of the world...), but please see the logic...

                    I'm assuming the files the OP asked about were stuff he/she ripped using some version of SonicStage..??

                    Well, take a look at SonicStage 2.x (2.1 i think it's currently at), and you'll see the Import Files facility supports WMA Lossless (it doesn't state it, but it most certainly does with Windows Media 9 Runtime installed or Windows Media 9 or 10, or something else that has installed that level of WM runtime support).

                    So, whilst others are telling you how you 'may' be able to rescue your files, prevention is better than patching up wounds.

                    So why not use a good ripper of your choice to rip to WMA Lossless..??

                    Then, you'll have an archivable non-DRM locked copy of the rips you dont have to play stupid trickery over to convert to 'other' formats.

                    It works for me, WMA Lossless was chosen (by myself, as a solution) since it's natively supported - not that WMA Lossless would be my first choice of lossless codec.

                    Then the only 'painful' bit is the import to SonicStage..

                    It's easy - it's just pig slow at converting any non-OpenMG compressed files to OpenMG locked ATRAC library files.

                    I realise that sounds long-winded, but if you start with the good intent to succeed and realise that you really only have to do this the once, it makes having a friendly conversion-ready source available (back up the LSL's to DVD-R or DVD-RW if space is an issue) when you want to use your rips for something else other than sending to a NetMD or ATRAC CD.


                    • jjgolay

                      • Nov 2004
                      • 2

                      Re: codec for .OMA files

                      Originally posted by rob
                      I tried the file nam change and it worked fine. This is on XP and with creative media source and organiser. Good luck every 1!!!!!!1111


                      • jjgolay

                        • Nov 2004
                        • 2

                        Re: codec for .OMA files

                        I have tried the Wave Conversion Tool but when I want to convert my files the page displayed is empty. I guess the reason might be that the files I want to convert are .OMG and not .OMA!
                        What is the difference between .OMA and .OMG files?
                        Another point is that the Wave Conversion Tool seems to be working only with MZ-NH1 / MZ-NHF800 / MZ-NH900 models. I have no luck because my walkman is a HI-MD NH700.


                        • dancingtime

                          • Dec 2004
                          • 1

                          Re: codec for .OMA files

                          I ripped Good charlottes Chronicles of Life and Death to HD using Sonys Music Player, they appeared in OMA form and werent readable by nything. I changed the extensions to mp3. As stupid as it sounds it worked. It know it did not convert the file, but it appears Sonys idiotic, pointless and very, very cheap attempts at copy protection extended only to changing the extension, nothing else. Now it can be played by WMP 9 series and Creative Play centre. It can also be recognised by Nero Express.
                          Poor stupid Sony :D thank you for assisting us in our efforts to rip u off.


                          • MBZ321

                            • Dec 2004
                            • 2

                            Re: codec for .OMA files

                            I posted this in another forum topic on here a few days ago...I believe this is the easiest solution:

                            Ok, by doing a windows search for .oma files, I found out they are still stored on your computer, but just in a different location than they used to.
                            They are now located in:
                            C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\SonicStage\Contents

                            Now just copy the files, open them, and convert with the program below:

                            Then just convert the .wav(output from above program) to mp3. (the file name may still show up as filename.omg.mp3, but I was able to delete the .oma part without any issues. (My DellDJ Played it back fine)

                            Hope this helps!
                            Last edited by MBZ321; December 11, 2004, 12:55 PM.


                            • Reyitos

                              • Dec 2004
                              • 1

                              Converting wma into mp3

                              I am in Mexico and I have DbPowerAmp since 2 years ago, I am looking for a plug in or something to convert form wma into mp3

                              Do we have one here?

                              Please let me know, I am new doing this. and I need help., rm


                              • Razgo
                                • Apr 2002
                                • 2532

                                Re: Converting wma into mp3

                                you can download the wma codec from here :

