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Using the 'Tag From File' plugin

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  • bjcullinan

    • Feb 2004
    • 4

    Using the 'Tag From File' plugin

    There should be an option to add on part of the file name to the existing string of id3 tag properties. Maybe use '[+track]', because of the following example:
    I started my music collection back before there was an 'arrange files by track number' and then album and artist properties; therefore all my files have:
    Track: "01 - Somesongname"
    Artist: "GenericArtist"
    Album: "GenericAlbum"
    and the file name: "Someartist - 01 - somesongname - specificartist"

    The problem i am having is i want to set the [artist] then the whole rest of the string as the [track]. If there was that option the string might look something like:
    [artist] - [track] - [+track] - [+track]

    In classical music the arranger always comes after the song name that why there is the specific artist element. When i load the mp3 into my media player, i want them to show up under "GenericAlbum Soundtrack" instead of completely seperate arists; thats why i put the specific artist after the track name.

    This could also be avoided if the 'Compilation' options was turned off. It automatically extracts the information, but can it automatically add it back onto the 'Track' property so it gets put into the ID3 tag that way? What do you think? :thumbdown ?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Using the 'Tag From File' plugin

    >Someartist - 01 - somesongname - specificartist

    Use something like:




    • bjcullinan

      • Feb 2004
      • 4

      Re: Using the 'Tag From File' plugin

      Originally posted by Spoon
      >Someartist - 01 - somesongname - specificartist

      Use something like:


      That would work except the way it appears to me is that when the codec looks for the "[artist]-[tracknumber]-[track]" it searches the file name(s) starting from the right side of the string, which would make sense because it has to look for directories as well; such as "[artist]\[tracknumber]-[track]".

      So i'm not really sure how your example above could help my problem, because if there is a property after "somesongname" then the "specificartist" property would offset the properties for "[artist] and [track number]" since it searches for the substrings from the right of the string.

      it would replace "[Track] with "specificartist", "[track number]" with "somesongname" and "[artist]" with "01". Thats what it does currently.

      I tried your example, the only difference being it extracts 3 fields in the "tag recognition" even though there are 4 fields in the files name(s). It did not work. If you would like i can write you a sample code in C++?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44843

        Re: Using the 'Tag From File' plugin

        Ok you need to get that righthand element into one of the tags, so if you were to use:


        Then use the Arrange Music codec to write it out as


        then import it as



        • bjcullinan

          • Feb 2004
          • 4

          Re: Using the 'Tag From File' plugin

          Originally posted by Spoon
          Ok you need to get that righthand element into one of the tags, so if you were to use:


          Then use the Arrange Music codec to write it out as


          then import it as


          Good point, thanks for the tip. That should work.

