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Track order by Track# instead of filename

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  • Unregistered

    Track order by Track# instead of filename

    I really like your product suite.
    Unfortunately I was unaware that mp3 files are ordered by a concatenation of artist - title fields that create the mp3 tmp filename. So I created a mp3 CD with about 110 lectures on it. But the order is wrong.

    Could you add an option to order by track # thats embedded in the tag?
    I'm a software engineer myself, and hopefully since you are already reading the tag info to get the artist-title to create the tmp filename, it wouldn't be too much extra work to add this option. Maybe it could be the default, and you could do the gui work later to allow other ordering options?

    That would be great!!!

  • Wayne
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Aug 2002
    • 1254

    Re: Track order by Track# instead of filename

    It is possible to configure the format of the filename that dMC creates when you rip a track. Have you left dMC at the default settings?

    I have dMC configured to create my files in the format <artist>/<album>/<track no> <track title>.mp3, this ensures that they appear in the correct (track number) order in windows explorer and on my car cdrom player.

    dMC can also be used to rename your files as long as you have the rename codec installed. This can be downloaded from codec central.



    • Unregistered

      Re: Track order by Track# instead of filename

      Thanks Wayne, I didn't know that.

      However that will only work if you don't exceed 10 tracks, unless you add
      leading 0's, like 001, 002, 010, 023,. Unfortunately, I didn't, and have 110 files to edit.


      • Unregistered

        Re: Track order by Track# instead of filename

        Wayne, I didn't understand when you wrote your solution that the track # you were talking about is taken from the CDwriter screen, not the track # in the tag field.

        Anyway its works fine if you have less than 100 tracks.
        I have 111 and it orders it 1 .. 08, 09, 10, 100, 101, ... 111, 11, 12, 13 .. 99
        so it has a problem when it hits 3 digits.

        Spoon can you guys fix this please?

        I guess I can go back to my original thought, and append a 3 digit number to the artist's name.



        • Wayne
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Aug 2002
          • 1254

          Re: Track order by Track# instead of filename

          I was referring to the track # in the tag which is what dMC and dCW can use when naming files, if that is how the programs are configured.

          There was a problem with dCW originally when it didn't use the track # from the tag. Instead it counted the tracks as they were added to the cd being created. However I reported it to Spoon and it was fixed.

          At the time I did think about suggesting that dMC allows for 3 digit track numbers but as I thought you would never have more than 99 tracks on an audio cd I didn't bother.



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Track order by Track# instead of filename

            I am currently updating CD Writer, I will add that modification.


            • Unregistered

              Re: Track order by Track# instead of filename

              Originally posted by Wayne
              I was referring to the track # in the tag which is what dMC and dCW can use when naming files, if that is how the programs are configured.

              There was a problem with dCW originally when it didn't use the track # from the tag. Instead it counted the tracks as they were added to the cd being created. However I reported it to Spoon and it was fixed.

              At the time I did think about suggesting that dMC allows for 3 digit track numbers but as I thought you would never have more than 99 tracks on an audio cd I didn't bother.

              Great, (thks Wayne and Spoon) Thats exactly what I need. Since I have a large number of files/tracks, I want to be able to just grab the whole lot from a converted folder, copy them in whatever order MS does to dCW, and have dCW burn them in order of the track # in the tag field. That will save me lots of time trying to order them on the playlist. With lectures in mono @ 8-11KHZ I can get up to about 300 tracks and 50-150 hours on 1 cd!! That really saves space. Goodbye cassettes!


              • table153

                • Jul 2005
                • 1

                Re: Track order by Track# instead of filename

                I have a similar problem that I hope is covered by the update Spoon mentioned. I have backed up most of my CD collection in Monkey audio for safety. If I lose my original CD I would like to be able to burn another audio CD from the Monkey's audio data and keep the original order. I can do this now but the tracks are ordered alphabetically not by track (from the ape tag), so I currently have to go back and rename with track number leading the title. Being able to burn by track# automatically would be a great update and I would be sold on the whole package.


                • LtData
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 8288

                  Re: Track order by Track# instead of filename

                  Ordered in what by the tag? If there is a colum containing the track number, try sorting by that column instead of the title.


                  • xoas
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Apr 2002
                    • 2662

                    Re: Track order by Track# instead of filename

                    To set up dCW to burn an APE (or Ogg or mp3 or wma,etc) cd, you have to start by setting up a new CD.
                    Open dCW. Click on the New CD icon.
                    In the New window click on the button that reads Create new cd.
                    In the new window click on the button that reads mp3/wma cd.
                    Set your cd size, select your format (Ape) and compression settings.
                    Then click on the button next to File Naming (button reads "Set").
                    In this new window select or create your file naming protocol. This will determine your folder structure for your cd. I usually use the last of the preset options ([artist]\[album]\[track number xx] [artist] - [track]). This creates a separate folder for each artist. Within that folder will be a separate folder for each album of that artist. Within the album folder the tracks will be ordered by two digit track number.
                    Once you have it set (make sure you have your desired file naming protocol listed on the top of the Set File Naming Window), click on OK. Make sure that your new file naming protocol is listed in the File Naming box. Click on the Create CD button and then click on OK.
                    Now you are back to your original dCW screen. Go ahead and create your Ape cd.
                    You will not be able to see your folder structure on the dCW screen.
                    You can check your cd's folder structure (after you have loaded your tracks) by viewing your TempCreateCD folder.
                    You cannot make changes within the TempCreateCD folder (you cannot transfer files between folders or edit file names or tag information). This will not correct anything but may well cause the program to crash upon burning.
                    Also, your file structure has to be set before you start your cd. You cannot change it once you have started short of starting all over again.

                    Best wishes,

