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Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

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  • Dropbear
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2020
    • 57

    Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

    I apologize if this wish has been requested before (and no doubt it has, because it'd be so useful !)

    I think that the attached image Click image for larger version

Name:	Extract Cover.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	72.5 KB
ID:	297512 should be self-explanatory for what to me would be a really really useful feature that I would use ALL the time!

    I know you can do it with the DSP Effects etc, and with multiple files, but I would just love a quick & dirty right-click on the image brought up from the dBpoweramp "Convert to" context menu to extract, and perhaps do some basic cover art manipulation, similar to how Mp3tag does it, especially when dealing with a single file.

    It gains top place on my Wishlist

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

    R17 has:

    click the '...' at the end of the art list >> export to folder.jpg


    • Dropbear
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • May 2020
      • 57

      Re: Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

      O M G ! I've been caught out by the little ol' "..." gig.

      LOL. After many years of happily using dBp, and I don't think I've ever even noticed those little ol' dots.

      Thanks Spoon! I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to have a small icon there to jolt the ol' brain into action. Still, good to know that the "exporting cover art" function is there. Gosh, the number of times that would have sped up my workflow... if only I'd seen those... :/ *sheds a silent tear*


      • Dropbear
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • May 2020
        • 57

        Re: Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

        Spoon. Can I make a small suggestion if I may?

        Add a "Right-click" function to one, or perhaps both of those cover art images (if technically possible), that brings up the same context menu that the three little dots does.

        I've so often right-clicked those images... hoping (praying!) for a menu to pop up.

        If not technically possible (for whatever reason)... perhaps (when sensing a "Right-click") add a small hint to "Click the little dots" !!

        A "Right-click" function would have been more intuitive for me, but even adding the "three dots" next to the "OK" button on the larger "View" pop-up Cover Art window would probably have helped me to locate the function.

        Three Little Dots
        Last edited by Dropbear; June 12, 2020, 11:43 PM.


        • Dat Ei
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Feb 2014
          • 1812

          Re: Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

          Why don't you export the album arts with Batch converter instead of doing it manually? With "ID Tag Update" this is an easy job.

          Dat Ei


          • Dropbear
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • May 2020
            • 57

            Re: Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

            Originally posted by Dat Ei
            Why don't you export the album arts with Batch converter instead of doing it manually? With "ID Tag Update" this is an easy job.

            Dat Ei

            Thanks Dat Ei. Yeah I was aware of the batch convert of Cover Art. I have used it. It's good.

            It's just for those odd occasions where I want to quickly update a particular track's Album Art. I'm trying to downsize many of them to a standard 500x500 size, because I find that works best with my SONOS system, and other players I use. Now I know about those "Three Little Dots", it will make make life a lot easier. Cheers


            • Dat Ei
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Feb 2014
              • 1812

              Re: Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

              Hey Dropbear,

              Originally posted by Dropbear
              It's just for those odd occasions where I want to quickly update a particular track's Album Art.
              wasn't the thread about extracting the album art?

              Originally posted by Dropbear
              I'm trying to downsize many of them to a standard 500x500 size, because I find that works best with my SONOS system, and other players I use.
              You can resize the files in place without the need for exporting, resizing and re-importing.

              I'm a Sonos user myself and I use a max. standard resolution of 1.000 px * 1.000 px without problems (while Sonos handling of tags is a problem for me). My car's hifi system only allows 800 px * 800 px resolution, so I have a second file set for this use. Both sets are generated in parallel while ripping CDs to flac.

              Dat Ei


              • Dropbear
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • May 2020
                • 57

                Re: Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

                Originally posted by Dat Ei
                Hey Dropbear,
                wasn't the thread about extracting the album art?
                Dat Ei
                Huh? Yep. It was. I thought that was what we were discussing?? I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.

                Originally posted by Dat Ei
                You can resize the files in place without the need for exporting, resizing and re-importing.

                I'm a Sonos user myself and I use a max. standard resolution of 1.000 px * 1.000 px without problems (while Sonos handling of tags is a problem for me). My car's hifi system only allows 800 px * 800 px resolution, so I have a second file set for this use. Both sets are generated in parallel while ripping CDs to flac.

                Dat Ei
                Interesting. My pc Sonos Controller App seems to give probs with Cover Art over about 500pix. It works, but I get the occasional case where it doesn't display the Art properly. It's blank, yet I know that there's the Artwork in there, and it will probably display correctly if I refresh or restart the App. It's just something I want to avoid. They might have fixed that by now, but I prefer the Front Album Cover to always be 500pix, and I store the larger images as extra embedded art.


                • Dat Ei
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Feb 2014
                  • 1812

                  Re: Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

                  Hey Dropbear,

                  Originally posted by Dropbear
                  Huh? Yep. It was. I thought that was what we were discussing?? I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.
                  I couldn't follow your reasoning in post *6, because a simple resizing needs no extracting of the album art. If you only need to resize the album art to 500 px * 500 px, you can choose the menu entry "..." -> "Resize Art To (maximum)" -> "500 x 500".

                  Dat Ei


                  • Dropbear
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • May 2020
                    • 57

                    Re: Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

                    Ah. ok. I now see what you're getting at.

                    I'm a bit of a Photoshop fanatic, so I just about always do some form of photo editing to the artwork before re-embedding. It might just be a bit of cropping, brightening, removing shadows, enhancing colors, converting to B&W or whatever, but it's usually a bit more sophisticated than just a simple resize.

                    I should have perhaps mentioned that earlier.



                    • Dropbear
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • May 2020
                      • 57

                      Re: Simple and Fast Right-click Extract Cover Art

                      Originally posted by Dat Ei
                      Hey Dropbear,

                      I couldn't follow your reasoning in post *6, because a simple resizing needs no extracting of the album art. If you only need to resize the album art to 500 px * 500 px, you can choose the menu entry "..." -> "Resize Art To (maximum)" -> "500 x 500".

                      Dat Ei
                      I just tried this Auto-resizing on one of my mp3 files.

                      It resizes "all" images internally to say a max of 500pix. That's rarely what I'd want to do.

                      Normally I only want to resize the Front Album Art, and definitely not touch the other embedded images. They're archived images. Unfortunately it often means I have to export all embedded images separately, (because there doesn't seem to be an easy way to reorder the embedded images) and dBpoweramp doesn't seem to be able to deal with single file "multiple embedded" image exports anyway, as it seems only capable of resizing and exporting the initial Front Cover artwork.

                      Correct me if I'm wrong, but at least I can't see any other way (when using dBpoweramp Edit ID-Tag) of exporting all embedded images from each file. It seems to only export the Front Album Art. :/ Note: i'm talking about dealing with just a single file, not batching anything.

                      I don't think even Mp3tag can export "multiple-embedded" images at once. I just tried it and couldn't see how to do it. However, exporting single-embedded images is easy.

                      [SIZE=3]Aha. [/SIZE] [SIZE=3]I just realized that Mp3tag allows simple drag & drop extraction[SIZE=2] of each displayed image to wherever (eg. to the desktop) (when there is more than 1 image per file), as you cycle through them. Now that's clever! I never in all this time even realized Mp3tag could do that. The things you learn eh. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
                      Last edited by Dropbear; June 16, 2020, 10:37 AM.

