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TuneFUSION Deletion of destination folders when source no longer present

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  • schmidj
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2013
    • 526

    TuneFUSION Deletion of destination folders when source no longer present

    An "issue" I discovered in Tune Fusion, not really a bug but an option would cure it:

    I have much of my library (eventually it will be almost all of it) as FLAC files, I use TuneFUSION to generate a synced m4a library for various purposes where bandwidth is a concern. It is set to sync and to delete content no longer in the source.

    The other day I by chance found a duplicate entry in the FLAC library and deleted the containing folder. But when I looked at the m4a library after syncing, I saw the folder still there. Looking at the contents, I saw that all the m4a files were deleted but not the folder.jpg file that I include when I sync, nor obviously the folder itself.

    Is it possible to add an additional option to the "delete when source no longer present" option (or whatever it is labeled, I'm on a different computer than tuneFUSION is installed on), that if all the music files of a folder are deleted as a part of the sync, to also delete any non-music files in the folder, like the .jpg, a possible playlist or the text file with the rip log, and the folder itself?


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: TuneFUSION Deletion of destination folders when source no longer present

    It is not an easy fix, because the artwork which is exported is not tracked by Tunefusion, only music files. And we cannot have TF deleting files it does not track.


    • schmidj
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2013
      • 526

      Re: TuneFUSION Deletion of destination folders when source no longer present

      OK, understand.

      An alternative: I assume TF is able to tell if there are files left in a destination directory when it deletes some, as it deletes the folder if there are no files (at least I think it does...) So if it was unable to delete the folder, can it log that so I can manually go back and delete the offending folder(s)

      As we all know, Microsoft only tells you how many files are in a folder or the size of the folder in "tool tips", not in the Windows Explorer list, so it is well nigh impossible to find the "ghost entries" with no audio when there are over 6000 folders and 60,000 files.

      The only other obvious alternative for me is to delete all the destination directories and start the sync from scratch which rather defeats the purpose of TF as it is much slower and not any different from doing a batch convert for me (yes I know TF has excellent selection alternatives, but I'm not using those here.)

      Actually, I just thought of another option. Is it possible to have PerfectTunes look at a directory and generate a report listing all the folders in it that don't contain any music files, like it can find the duplicates using DeDup? Amended feature request.

