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volume normalize

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  • ZTN

    • Dec 2017
    • 2

    volume normalize

    Any chance of adding RMS like in soundforge, so you can easily have all audio to -10db -> -12db and be touching the peak lines, as Peak to Peak setting in the volume normalize doen'nt work and all other option make multiple files have random volume levels
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: volume normalize

    Peak to Peak is not the best way to normalize audio, Replaygain is preferred as it is based on perceived loudness of the whole track. Note you would have to apply the volume normalize to all tracks as Replaygain works by reducing the volume for most tracks to instill a headroom for quiet tracks (so they can be increased in volume and not clip).


    • ZTN

      • Dec 2017
      • 2

      Re: volume normalize

      Replaygain makes trakes way to quiet when it has'nt been engineered perfectly, soundforge's RMS normalization, is'nt as picky, and will put all the heavy bass and mid range within the peak lines so only the treble may clip when normalized to -12

      RMS comes in handy for samples and DJ tracks, but I have only ever seen it in soundforge, and works wonder's if you obay peak db meter's on hardware

