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m4p to mp3

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  • Unregistered

    Re: m4p to mp3

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    what about just burning the mp4's to CD and then re ripping them as MP3?

    That should work, no?


    Dude, u're a genious!! THANKS MAN


    • Unregistered

      Re: m4p to mp3

      See that one doesnt work for me because ITunes doesnt recognize my burner...so please...I need someway to turn it to mp3...please


      • Unregistered

        Re: m4p to mp3

        I have found the best way to do it-- you need the Playfair source code and access to Linux, Unix, or MacOS X.

        Compile the source code, install it, then put the contents of your DRMs folder in a .drms folder in your home directory, and run playfair on each file you want to convert. It's very easy, and it copies the tags for all songs as well. Then you can convert the songs from M4A (unprotected AAC) to MP3 using dbPowerAmp.

        It is MUCH quicker than any other way I've ever seen.

        You cannot get the source on the Web-- you need to find it at in a less than reputable source. It WAS on the Web, but Apple put out a cease and decist order to have it removed.

        I am VERY disappointed with Apple. I am converting PURCHASED songs to MP3 to use on my PERSONAL MP3 player LEGALLY. Since they don't supply a tool for me to AT LEAST convert them to WMAs, my only other options are to 1) Buy an iPod (which I DON'T WANT), or 2) Waste a CD every time I want to put songs on my player (NO!).

        After my iTunes gift certificate is done, I'm switching to purchasing my songs from http://musicdownloads.walmart.com, who sells them for 88 cents and they come in WMA format. iTunes for Windows is really turning out to be a waste of time. Apple is becoming more litigious than Micro$oft.

        If anyone from Apple happens to read this post-- You need to put out a *LEGALLY* available (and quick) tool so those of us who DON'T have an iPod can listen to the songs we've purchased on our MP3 players!! A lot of us would PAY for such a tool!


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44440

          Re: m4p to mp3

          There is a link in the dMC FAQ of this forum to the compiled fairplay program.


          • Bob Chmara

            Re: m4p to mp3

            I've spent some time playing with m4p2mp4 and have had many of the same problems others have reported. My solution is:

            1) Create the following one line batch file (I called it "iConvert.cmd") in the same directory where you store m4p2mp4.exe:

            for %%f in (*.m4p) do m4p2mp4 "%%~nf.m4p" "%%~nf.mp4"

            2) Add the directory where the batch file and m4p2mp4.exe are stored to the system path.

            To convert songs:

            1) Open a command window in the directory where the songs have been stored (the MS Powertoy "CmdHere" will add a "Open Command Window Here" option to the Windows Explorer right click menu, very handy for this purpose)

            2) From the command prompt, type the name of the batch file. All m4p's in the directory will be converted to mp4's.


            • bloatedfrog

              • Apr 2004
              • 2

              Re: m4p to mp3

              Hey ,wow,that post up above actually worked thanks man. :komisch9:


              • Unregistered

                Re: m4p to mp3

                I am experiencing the problem with "valid playback key" also. Anyone know a way around this?? My burner won't work with itunes, so I had planned to convert all the files. Any help would be appreciated!

                Originally posted by Unregistered
                I keep get a message that says "only works on files for which you have a valid playback key"

                Any clues?

                Itunes has an option to burn as MP3's, but that isn't working for me either (it would only burn as an audio cd) thus why I am doing it the hard way.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44440

                  Re: m4p to mp3

                  Note Apple have changed the DRM from the 27th April, any new music will not work.


                  • Unregistered

                    Re: m4p to mp3

                    why make it difficult...
                    1.) Burn all your ITunes to cd. (using the ITunes cd burning option.)
                    2.) Rip CD with software of your choice. (winamp, acoustica, ect.)



                    • Xial

                      Re: m4p to mp3

                      Originally posted by Unregistered
                      why make it difficult...
                      1.) Burn all your ITunes to cd. (using the ITunes cd burning option.)
                      2.) Rip CD with software of your choice. (winamp, acoustica, ect.)

                      Because iWasteYourTime does not work with everyone's burner, hence why some of us are forced to use other alternatives.
                      But you don't care, in any sense of the word, do you?
                      Yeah, I installed the festering boil, hoping for some decent stuff with the codes from all the Pepsi I drink (I ended up netting about 35 free songs, PLUS a $15 iTMS card for winning a contest at work).

                      FORTUNATELY for me, i got m4p2mp4 working with my files from an earlier date. I won't be updating the music store with a player addon until I finish converting them to m4a.

                      Incidentally, I don't use cmd.exe/command.com - I use zsh.exe, which has tab completion and escapes spaces.
                      I can get away with putting m4p2mp4 on my path and doing this:
                      cd folder/with/my/muzak/
                      m4p2[tab] a\ few\ le[tab] a\ few\ le[tab][bksp]a[enter]
                      and watch it do the work.
                      I won't even go into the further degradation of sound quality you've suggested there.

                      VARIAR# cd Tak\ Matsumoto/
                      VARIAR# cd Hana/
                      VARIAR# ls
                      01 Koi-Uta.m4p           05 Midousuji Blue.m4p    11 You Know.m4p
                      02 #1090 Asian Sun.m4p   06 Red Sky.m4p           13 Trinity.m4p
                      03 Hana.m4p              08 Romeo and Juliet.m4p
                      04 Machi.m4p             10 Engaged.m4p
                      VARIAR# m4p2mp4 05\ Midousuji\ Blue.m4p 05\ Midousuji\ Blue.m4a
                      Convert iTunes Music Store .m4p files to standard unencrypted .mp4 files
                      !!! Only works on files for which you have a valid playback key !!!
                      VARIAR# ls
                      01 Koi-Uta.m4p           05 Midousuji Blue.m4a    10 Engaged.m4p
                      02 #1090 Asian Sun.m4p   05 Midousuji Blue.m4p    11 You Know.m4p
                      03 Hana.m4p              06 Red Sky.m4p           13 Trinity.m4p
                      04 Machi.m4p             08 Romeo and Juliet.m4p


                      • goodtoimes

                        • Apr 2004
                        • 1

                        Re: m4p to mp3

                        Could you put that in laymans terms as i'm a novice with this stuff. I've downloaded the m4p2mp4.exe but don't really know how to use it, especially with command menu etc.



                        • Unregistered

                          Re: m4p to mp3

                          I'm getting a wide range of errors after converting to .mp4. I got a bunch of those pepsi songs, downloaded them at work onto my VM Ware, so I don't have a CD burner, and the audio processor is really weak, so burning and recording a loop back are not options.

                          But after running m4p2mp4 and trying to open the .mp4s in winamp w/ the mp4 codec plug in posted earlier in this thread, I get a random assortment of error on each song. Things like "maximum number of scalefactor bands exceeded" or "Maximum number of bitstream elements exceeded" or "Channel coupling not yet implemented" or "Gain control not yet implemented"... If I try using dbPowerAmp I get the tag only files (2-4k, no music data). Not a single one of my 13 songs will convert. They were all downloaded last week, and are as new as the Van Helsing soundtrack and as old as Oingo Boingo.

                          Any ideas?



                          • Unregistered

                            Re: m4p to mp3

                            Originally posted by Unregistered
                            Yes that is what I did. I won a song from Pepsi and saw that it was m4p and didn't like that. So I burnt to a CD, then converted (thru iTunes) and plays fine and I can't tell a difference.

                            I burned the M4P files to a CD. Upon importing, iTunes recognized them as protected AAC files, and would not convert to MP3.

                            I tried initially burning them as music (rather than data) files, but my software didn't recognize them.


                            • Unregistered

                              Re: m4p to mp3

                              You MUST burn it as Music if you want to re-import it as an un-protected file (MP3) . If you burn it as data, then all you'll get is the same protected file back.

                              Play around with the settings in iTunes, you should be able to burn it as music to a CD.


                              • Unregistered

                                Re: m4p to mp3


                                All this adds up to - there is no way to transcode m4p to mp4 from current version iTMS songs? (of course I know you can burn/rip/mix - just like the old apple ads, but in reverse. My intention is to find some kind of lossless conversion via software, which can be done en masse.)


