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DSP Effects - Increase Audio Speed

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  • Xochipelli

    • Aug 2016
    • 2

    DSP Effects - Increase Audio Speed

    It's been a while since I've used dBpoweramp, and if it is possible to increase audio speeds with dBpoweramp, I have yet to discover it.
    This feature is probably the biggest reason I haven't resorted to using dBpoweramp in my workflow and purchased a dBpoweramp license.

    By far, my favorite program on pc for video/audio (voice) review at increased speeds is Enounce's MySpeed Premier. MySpeed does a superb job of increasing the speed of the audio up to 5x faster with minimal pitch interference and audio quality degradation. VLC can speed up audio, however, I consider it a distant second because of sound quality and voice distortion.

    My preferred devices for audio review would be the ipod classic 120GB and ipad Air. And they largely lack preferable solutions for mp3 playback at faster speeds without distorting audio. It *can* playback m4b at "faster" speed but compared to MySpeed, the result is barely noticeable.

    The lack of a solid solution for faster playback of audio on these devices is so frustrating, it has been my experience to avoid using them.

    I have encoded mp3 for faster audio using Sound Forge. I believe. It was a long time ago and I found using Sound Forge's interface is a slow painful time consuming solution. Haven't attempted converting with SoundForge through dBpoweramp's CLI to see if it is possible.

    I do appreciate all the time and work Illustrate has invested in dBpoweramp to make it a premium alternative for audio conversion. A option for faster/slower audio playback on conversion would be a very nice addition within dBpoweramp's DSP Effects tools. Naturally, dBpoweramp would be my preferred choice of audio conversion, provided a solution could be made available that had minimal effect on pitch or audio quality.

    Last edited by Xochipelli; August 21, 2016, 12:21 PM.
  • Xochipelli

    • Aug 2016
    • 2

    Re: DSP Effects - Increase Audio Speed

    For what it's worth, I did spend the day looking at various options including audacity, ffmpeg and others.

    The most appealing solution seemed to be using dBpoweramp's CLI Encoder with ffmpeg.

    I had no problems creating file producing 2x speed with just ffmpeg using:
    ffmpeg -i "D:\Desktop\sample.mp3" -filter:a "atempo=2.0" -vn "D:\Desktop\sample.m4a"

    After a lot of trial and error I never did get CLI Encoder to work with ffmpeg.

    The problem I kept running into was that dBpoweramp/CLI Encoder/ffmpeg combo resulted in a 0 byte file.
    My results seem to be 99.9% similar to
    No recommendations have been forthcoming.

    It seems similar feature requests for slower/faster playback speed options has been made of Illustrate in past with no response.

    It's an unsavory alternative, but it looks like the alternative is currently ffmpeg with batch file processing and bat files:
    With ffmpeg can you convert and multiplex almost every video file. And as it's a command line converter can you batch convert all your files at once

    Originally posted by Xochipelli
    It's been a while since I've used dBpoweramp, and if it is possible to increase audio speeds with dBpoweramp, I have yet to discover it.
    This feature is probably the biggest reason I haven't resorted to using dBpoweramp in my workflow and purchased a dBpoweramp license.

    By far, my favorite program on pc for video/audio (voice) review at increased speeds is Enounce's MySpeed Premier. MySpeed does a superb job of increasing the speed of the audio up to 5x faster with minimal pitch interference and audio quality degradation. VLC can speed up audio, however, I consider it a distant second because of sound quality and voice distortion.

    My preferred devices for audio review would be the ipod classic 120GB and ipad Air. And they largely lack preferable solutions for mp3 playback at faster speeds without distorting audio. It *can* playback m4b at "faster" speed but compared to MySpeed, the result is barely noticeable.

    The lack of a solid solution for faster playback of audio on these devices is so frustrating, it has been my experience to avoid using them.

    I have encoded mp3 for faster audio using Sound Forge. I believe. It was a long time ago and I found using Sound Forge's interface is a slow painful time consuming solution. Haven't attempted converting with SoundForge through dBpoweramp's CLI to see if it is possible.

    I do appreciate all the time and work Illustrate has invested in dBpoweramp to make it a premium alternative for audio conversion. A option for faster/slower audio playback on conversion would be a very nice addition within dBpoweramp's DSP Effects tools. Naturally, dBpoweramp would be my preferred choice of audio conversion, provided a solution could be made available that had minimal effect on pitch or audio quality.



    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: DSP Effects - Increase Audio Speed

      Answered here:

      Is it possible to setup ffmpeg as a cli encoder in dBpoweramp? I have tried many combinations of cli string but none of them yielded any result. -i [infile] options [outfile] -i "[infile]" options "[outfile]" -i - options [outfile] etc... Any help will be appreciated.

