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Album Art Feature Requests

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  • dtcarpenter

    • Jan 2015
    • 3

    Album Art Feature Requests

    I just finished updating album art for 1,708 albums. The tools saved me a lot of time, but would have saved even more if it had the following features:

    1. When selecting art larger than the preferred maximum resolution, it will automatically shrink it proportionally. It would be fantastic if we could also set a preferred minimum resolution where smaller art is automatically expanded proportionally.

    2. In addition to proportionally shrinking and expanding art, it would be great to have an option to stretch the art to fit the specific minimum or maximum resolution. A lot of album art on the web is very close to square where stretching it into a chosen square resolution would still look fine.

    3. Lastly, it would be great to be able to select art manually, either by browsing the file system, or pasting in a URL for an image that had been found on the web manually.

    It is a great tool regardless, but these features would make the work go that much faster. Thanks for listening.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Album Art Feature Requests

    >When selecting art larger than the preferred maximum resolution, it will automatically shrink it proportionally.

    It should already do this, you set a maximum and it is resized, proportionally.

    2 is a good idea

    3: R2 allows this, see the testing section of this forum.


    • dtcarpenter

      • Jan 2015
      • 3

      Re: Album Art Feature Requests

      On *1, the tool can resize art down to a maximum, but I was asking for it to also resize up to a minimum, which I do not think it can do.


      • d2b
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Aug 2010
        • 215

        Re: Album Art Feature Requests

        My preference, and probably the preference of any graphic designer responsible for the cover of an album, is that the aspect ratio of the original art NOT be tampered with in any way. If the original art has an aspect ratio of say 5 units wide by 4.75 units high, it should ALWAYS be presented that way, even if white bars need to be added top and bottom or on both sides. Distorting the image by stretching it in either dimension is distasteful in my opinion, an insult to the designer and perhaps even a copyright violation.

        This has nothing to do with resizing the image, a practice which retains the original design as it was intended to appear.

        Dennis...aka "d2b"

