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mp3 to mp4 transcoding

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  • niooi

    mp3 to mp4 transcoding


    would it be possbile to add a Tanscoding features for a all folder. I have tons of mp3 which I'd love to transcode but manually it would take me years.

    An important feature would be to KEEP a constant ratio between the original file to the trancoded file.

    For instance with a 1/2 ratio:

    an mp3 180 kbps would be transcoded to 90 kpbs in eg:mp4
    an mp3 64 kbps would be transcoded to a 32 kbps file

    and finally the possibility after all the files are trancoded to erase the original (or even to erase the original one by one)

    I know transcoding is not very good but I do not have enough space and I do not want to buy a new hardisc... I already have 4 HDs!


  • niooi Again

    Correct Ratio

    Hello again,

    The most important comment I was trying to give is *ratio* convertion. I think there is no such software that does that. Giving the user the opportunity to transcode at a given ratio will permit to keep a constant *relative* quality whatever is the original file bit rate.

    What do you think about that?


    ps: and by the way thanks for your great app.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44843

      Re: Correct Ratio

      It is something I have been meaning to add for awhile 'Smart Conversions', for now it can manually done from my Audio player (add all the tracks and sort on bit rate, select a batch and right click >> Convert to).


      • Unregistered

        Re: mp3 to mp4 transcoding

        Hello and thank you for all your time and effort.

        I've installed the mp4 beta software listed above, but can't get it to convert from an mp4 (ie - mp4-to-wav, etc). It displays in the converter window, though, to convert to an mp4.

        It is not recognized as a valid file type when I open it in music converter, thus am unable to see the mp4 file to try to convert it.

        Thanks in advance,
        Johnny Law
        "Do It Right or Don't Do It At All"


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44843

          Re: mp3 to mp4 transcoding

          Make sure you install the mp4 codec to the same location as dMC.

          What extension does the mp4 file have? ie where did it come from?

