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Arrange Audio utility codec enhancements

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  • TimR

    • Sep 2010
    • 24

    Arrange Audio utility codec enhancements

    With reference to thread:

    I can see that the option to rearrange folder.jpg already exists in the Arrange Audio codec which duplicates some of the functionality of the Preserver Folder.jpg DSP.

    I'd like to request that the following features similarly be added to the Arrange Audio utility codec:

    1) Enable an option in Arrange Audio to copy/move files based on file extension (.txt, .log, etc.) from source folders to destination folders when arranging audio (functionality from Preserve Folder.jpg DSP)
    2) Enable an option to create a playlist in the destination folder based on the renamed files. (functionality from Playlist Writer DSP)

    Many thanks

  • TimR

    • Sep 2010
    • 24

    Re: Arrange Audio utility codec enhancements

    With reference to this thread on Arrange Audio and filename restricted characters:
    I just installed 14.3 on my CPU. When trying to clean up all my folders and get them consistently named using [Arrange Audio], I noticed that the restricted character conversion is not being applied. Specifically AC/DC albums are being put into the folder "AC". Though in one case they got put into a sub folder named

    I have an additional feature request for Arrange Audio to either reference the restricted filename character setting from CD Ripper


    Enable the independent character replacement set in Arrange Audio to be edited.


