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Save metadata for Disc n of N

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  • Mike48
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2012
    • 59

    Save metadata for Disc n of N

    My wish is that dbpa would save and recall metadata for Disks 2...N of multidisk sets, just as it does when you remove a disc and reinsert in another drive for re-ripping. Metadata would include Album, Artist, Album Artist, Album art, genre, and any manually changed fields.


    I have many multidisc sets. Often, the album art and other information need to be corrected. It is a pain to do this over and over for each disk, especially since dbpa stores the last disc's metadata.

    This is particularly irritating for classical music, which requires the most metadata correction and can have large sets (10+ discs) routinely, but it's no fun when ripping a large pop or jazz set either.

    THANKS for considering this!
  • yoodge

    • Sep 2013
    • 2

    Re: Save metadata for Disc n of N

    Great post, we both have the same request although for different purposes. Thanks for finding/posting to my post requesting this feature! I'm sure there are others out there that want this functionality, so hopefully it will make it in the list for the next release!

    For reference:
    I rip alot of audiobooks and usually have to type in the tags by hand because they rarely show up in the metadata libraries. The books are usually 4-10 discs each, so it would be great if the program had an option to not clear the artist/album/genre tag fields when I change discs (at least when the metadata doesn't turn up in a


    • schmidj
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2013
      • 526

      Re: Save metadata for Disc n of N

      Actually, I wish the metadata could be saved when a CD is removed for a different reason: I have typed in most of the metadata and realize that I'm missing something that is probably on the physical CD label, most commonly the date, with the copyright often missing from the liner notes. Take the CD out to get the date, and I have to start over again. Actually, the best option would be to initialize the metadata page by inserting the CD, then be able to remove the CD and still be able to enter metadata before re-inserting the CD. I get limited edition CDR's in the Caribbean that only have the tracks printed on the CDR, sometimes there aren't any liner notes or if there are, they don't list the tracks. Now I have to make a photocopy or scan of the face of the CD before putting it in the drive to rip. Being able to enter metadata without the CD in the drive would save that step.


