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linux port for dbpoweramp

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  • dslater

    • Sep 2007
    • 1

    Re: got dbpoweramp to run under linux

    Originally posted by Helvidius
    Has anyone tried dbpoweramp running in Windows in a virtual machine within Linux?
    Yes, I have it running nicely in an XP vm under vmWare. Performance is quite acceptable.

    I also have it installed in Ubuntu under WINE where it plays better than RhythmBox (of course it outperformed all of its WinDoze competitors as well, which is why I bought it). I'm still working on getting all the parts to work, however. So far the Player & Player Beta both run nicely, but most of the menu items don't run, making it a tad difficult to add skins, for instance (workaround: reinstall the skin you want and it will switch automatically).


    • marnie6771

      • May 2007
      • 1

      Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

      I have it running now in Wine in the latest Mandriva PowerPack (2008). It seems to perform well, but it takes a while before it recognizes discs and has crashed several times. However, when it runs, it runs very smoothly and hardly slower than under Windows...




      • Ron F.

        • Jan 2007
        • 26

        Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

        I have crossed the great divide, and am now running Ubuntu 7.10 on my home computer, and for better or worse, have left M$ Windoze behind.

        I am running dBpoweramp CD Ripper (Release 12.3) under wine (version 0.9.46.) It works quite well, with no noticeable slowness compared to Windows at all (as far as I can remember.) Note: I am running the Compiz-Fusion window manager with full effects activated.

        I have ripped about ten CDs to flac this way and am quite happy that it is working.

        There are two issues:
        1. I cannot seem to minimize the ripper's window - it wants to stay open. This isn't too awful, as I can just leave it open on its own virtual desktop under Compiz-Fusion - it sits there pasted to one of the 3D cube faces I note this as a problem, because all other Windows applications I have running under wine minimize and restore without any difficulty on the Linux desktop.

        2. It has a lot of difficulty ejecting a CD after the rip is done - usually the "eject after rip" fails, and I have to go to the Linux desktop, right-click on the CD that is on the desktop, and force an eject. If I click on the Ripper's Eject button - usually nothing happens. Pushing on the CD tray's eject button does nothing either. The CD is locked in there. EAC does not appear to be exhibiting this problem - in fact EAC works perfectly under wine in every respect. I cannot tell it wasn't written to run under wine in the first place.

        The good news is that dBpoweramp ripper has not crashed on my system. The only real annoyance is not ejecting Cds properly!



        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44888

          Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

          Try R13 for cd ejecting, the code was changed.


          • Ron F.

            • Jan 2007
            • 26

            Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

            Originally posted by Spoon
            Try R13 for cd ejecting, the code was changed.
            Spoon, thank you very much for you response. I loaded R13 over R12.3 this morning on my Ubuntu machine and it has the same problem - the CD is locked in the tray, and I have to go to the Linux desktop, right-click on the CD icon, and select "Eject" to get it out. After I do that and take the CD out, if I then close the empty tray, the ripper will still not eject the tray. At this point there is no CD icon on the Linux desktop - so getting the tray open now is more difficult! After closing the ripper, the button on the tray works again.

            I can force open the tray by typing "eject /dev/scd0" in a terminal window to get it open, or by using a paper clip Anyway, that problem is still present when running under wine.



            • Ron F.

              • Jan 2007
              • 26

              Re: linux port for dbpoweramp


              There is something else that may be useful to know - in regards to making the ripper run more smoothly under wine:

              If I start the ripper without anything in the CD tray, it gives a list of bogus tracks in the window. There are usually 32 of them, they have track numbers, random play lengths and bizarre estimated sizes. In this state, I can eject the CD tray, and insert a CD, but it won't necessarily read the CD after being inserted.

              The only sure fire way to run dB ripper under wine, is to insert the CD first, then start up dB and rip the CD, or do whatever. When done, close dB and then eject the CD after dB has been shut down. Inserting or ejecting a CD while dB is running under Wine is bad. As long as that rule is not violated, dB runs great under wine - just don't touch the CD tray!



              • Ron F.

                • Jan 2007
                • 26

                Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

                Something else that might prove useful to people running dBpoweramp CD Ripper on a Linux machine, is to configure wine so that it treats CDGrab.exe as a Windows NT 4.0 program. I found all other options, such as the default setting or Win XP, to be problematic.

                Setting it to NT 4.0 causes the CD tray behavior to improve considerably. I no longer get the list of random track data showing up when the tray is closed and no CD is present, the eject button on the tray will work if hit twice in succession. The Ripper's Eject button still does not work and the window cannot be minimized, but the program is pleasant to use and it is mapped properly to a virtual workspace (I am using the Gnome Desktop Manager, full Compiz 3D effects turned on, Emerald theme manager using the truglass engine.) All these effects apply to the dB window! Cool.

                A further modification of wine configuration for dB is to not allow the window manager to control the windows generated by dB. Then - everything appears to work correctly. The Ripper's window can be minimized/restored, the Ripper's Eject button works, etc. The drawback here is that it is no longer mapped to a virtual workspace, and so appears on every virtual desktop. No big deal since it can be minimized anyway! When minimized, there is a little box at the bottom of the Linux desktop that can be clicked to raise the window back up. An icon for the ripper no longer appears on the running application panel for Linux, but the little box I spoke of is just above it.

                It all works! A few configuration settings in wine make a big difference. I do miss my desktop theme (using the Emerald truglass engine) being applied to the dBpoweramp windows with this setup - but the application seems to work perfectly under Linux now. It just looks like a M$ window mixed in with all the other Compiz-driven windows

                Last edited by Ron F.; December 06, 2007, 06:01 PM.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44888

                  Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

                  Really there should be no difference between nt4 and xp hen accessing a cd drive, no differences.


                  • Ron F.

                    • Jan 2007
                    • 26

                    Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

                    Originally posted by Spoon
                    Really there should be no difference between nt4 and xp hen accessing a cd drive, no differences.
                    Well, then it might be a bug in wine, or more likely an issue in one of the open source libraries that is being used by cdgrab.exe. If we knew which one, I could load the original M$ version, and tell wine to use it when cdgrab.exe is running instead of the default version provided by wine.



                    • Ron F.

                      • Jan 2007
                      • 26

                      Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      Really there should be no difference between nt4 and xp hen accessing a cd drive, no differences.
                      Upon further investigation: I had been running version 0.9.46 of wine, which is what is included with the Ubuntu 7.10 Linux distribution. Today I installed the latest release of wine: version 0.9.50 over the earlier release. After the wine upgrade, the differences in cd drive behavior have vanished, and the default wine settings now work. So, I imagine it was a bug in wine.

                      The one issue remaining, is minimization/restore using the Gnome Desktop Manager - that does not seem to work unless window management for cdgrab.exe is disabled.

                      I have ripped about 20 CDs now using dBpoweramp Ripper on Linux - I like it and intend to continue using it this way.



                      • cbsim

                        • Dec 2007
                        • 1

                        Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

                        Anyone having the same problem?
                        Open Source Software for running Windows applications on other operating systems.


                        • Ron F.

                          • Jan 2007
                          • 26

                          Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

                          Originally posted by cbsim
                          WMA conversion in dMC when running on Linux does not work I think, because the library WMVCore.DLL is missing. I have not tried this, (I don't use WMA, only FLAC and ogg) but you could download the library from here:



                          • LtData
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • May 2004
                            • 8288

                            Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

                            It depends on elements that are normally within Windows itself. If you could find what it needs (some method of tracking what files are accessed in Windows when encoding would do it), I would think you could put them in the "wine" folders and trick it.


                            • Ron F.

                              • Jan 2007
                              • 26

                              Re: linux port for dbpoweramp

                              Originally posted by LtData
                              It depends on elements that are normally within Windows itself. If you could find what it needs (some method of tracking what files are accessed in Windows when encoding would do it), I would think you could put them in the "wine" folders and trick it.
                              Well, there is more missing than just WMVCore.DLL. I could not get dMC to convert to WMA.

                              Decoding WMA on a Linux platform can be done using pacpl or soundKonvert. Going the other way however - converting to WMA, I don't know.



                              • Rabz

                                • Oct 2024
                                • 1

                                Definitely +++1 for Linux port! Already paid for dbpoweramp for Windows, and am glad to see it'll run under wine. Not going to windows 11, Microsoft is a data company, not a software company now. No telemetry, no recall, no forced ads on my desktop, thank you. I've got a year to move until W10 EOL, and I'm happy to see that almost everything I use on a daily basis either has a sufficient Linux version, or can run under Wine. And I would gladly pay an upgrade fee to get a native Linux version.


