Here is a request... I would like for dAP to handle skin parts added by user to be deactivated in reverse order, with a delay enough for it not to be left in a "hanging in the air" state.
A good example of what I'd like to be handled differently is on BestRip CDRed... if the "top line" players track is highlighted (blue mini-CD active) while the "top line" is being de-activated the "track" skin part will be hanging there until the line has disappeared out to the right on the screen...
If dAP were to de-activate those parts added on a USERskin in reverse order first, the appearence would be much more professional I think. I'd like to be abe to use this facility on my skins (think Narler has mentioned this also before).
I'll try to make a clear suggestion of how I think it would be possible to implement and the rules for it:
1. The USER# skins should have USER# SUB-skins (like "USER#X SUB A, B, C..." for example).
2. If USER#X SUB A is active when USER#X is deactivated, dAP should FIRST deactivate the USER#X SUB A - skin part and only after that (allowing for any slide function to act out) deactivate the USER#X, AND making a note to dAP that the USER#X SUB A should be activated again when USER#X is accessed the next time.
3. If USER#X is not activated and the user tries to access a USER#X SUB A from a USER#Y skin dAP should not display only USER#X SUB A for a second or so as it does now, but only pass the parameter to dAP to access USER#X SUB A the next time USER#X is being accessed.
All in all I guess it could be viewed as an automatic reversed deactivation order?
To all other skinners: Do you agree this is desirable? Have I forgotten/overlooked anything in how this works?
Here is a request... I would like for dAP to handle skin parts added by user to be deactivated in reverse order, with a delay enough for it not to be left in a "hanging in the air" state.
A good example of what I'd like to be handled differently is on BestRip CDRed... if the "top line" players track is highlighted (blue mini-CD active) while the "top line" is being de-activated the "track" skin part will be hanging there until the line has disappeared out to the right on the screen...
If dAP were to de-activate those parts added on a USERskin in reverse order first, the appearence would be much more professional I think. I'd like to be abe to use this facility on my skins (think Narler has mentioned this also before).
I'll try to make a clear suggestion of how I think it would be possible to implement and the rules for it:
1. The USER# skins should have USER# SUB-skins (like "USER#X SUB A, B, C..." for example).
2. If USER#X SUB A is active when USER#X is deactivated, dAP should FIRST deactivate the USER#X SUB A - skin part and only after that (allowing for any slide function to act out) deactivate the USER#X, AND making a note to dAP that the USER#X SUB A should be activated again when USER#X is accessed the next time.
3. If USER#X is not activated and the user tries to access a USER#X SUB A from a USER#Y skin dAP should not display only USER#X SUB A for a second or so as it does now, but only pass the parameter to dAP to access USER#X SUB A the next time USER#X is being accessed.
All in all I guess it could be viewed as an automatic reversed deactivation order?
To all other skinners: Do you agree this is desirable? Have I forgotten/overlooked anything in how this works?