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Stand alone Illustrate program to provide just 'Popup Details' function

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  • muel2002

    • Dec 2012
    • 1

    Stand alone Illustrate program to provide just 'Popup Details' function

    I used to live by a program called 'Audioshell' ( It gave you detailed tag info of files with the 'pop up box' that appeared when you held the mouse pointer over a the file in Explorer for a short time. Unfortunately, I have had to change to Windows 7 64bit, and the program does not work with this version of Windows and as of yet has not been updated to. I can't see it being updated anytime soon.

    What I would really like, is to be able to give Illustrate a bit of money for just the 'Popup Details' function of dBpoweramp. Or perhaps you might want to provide it for free as a means of promotion? ;-)

    Perhaps you don't think it's worth the hassle to make a standalone program with just the 'popup details' function for promotional purposes, or think it's not going to attract much attention or provide much income from prospective buyers if you provide just the 'popup details' function? In that case you might want to throw in the 'Technical Shell Columns' and 'ID tag editing' functions too.

    I don't need any other functions of the program other than the functions listed above, this is because I am happy with the free alternative programs that provide these functions. I don't really want to spend $38 on a lot of functions I don't need. However I would quite happily give you $10 for the functions I have listed, which as far as I know there are no free alternatives for 64bit systems currently.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Stand alone Illustrate program to provide just 'Popup Details' function

    You do not have to spend anything, the free version has the popup functionality...


    • Carson Dyle

      • Jul 2008
      • 21

      Re: Stand alone Illustrate program to provide just 'Popup Details' function

      I'd also gladly pay for such a standalone program, but I'd want just a bit more ability to customize the output. Note that all I'm interested in is read-only popup info in Windows Explorer and no tagging capability. Yes, I find this tool to be valuable enough to pay for by itself.

      Some ideas for enhancements:

      - Ability to set the font and font size.

      - Ability to set font and background colors.

      - More/all codecs installed by default. I really dislike how dbpoweramp handles codec installation.

      - The ability to customize field names displayed. For example, the ability to map 'ARTISTSORT' to something like 'Artist Sort'. Ideally, it could be done by codec, so that low level field names could be used to map names.

      - The ability to customize the order of fields. I dislike having the ReplayGain tags split in the info shown, and would like to do things like have 'Artist Sort' displayed beneath 'Artist'.

      I'd also like to see the column width problem fixed, so that all field values are properly aligned. Maybe the ability to set the width of the left-hand column where field names are shown, if it can't be done correctly automatically.

