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Option to "Save" tag data to a file

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    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2011
    • 138

    Option to "Save" tag data to a file

    It would be helpful if CdRipper had an options to Save all of the tag settings to a file and then Open/Load the data from a file.
    Two scenarios where this owuld help me:
    • I input/modify tags to my liking and realize I don't have all the info. Rather than aborting the rip and losing all of the keyed-in changes, I could save the data and reload it when I get the remaining info.
    • I use "Rip-As-1" to combine some tracks, and then have to re-input the tag data to proceed with rippping the next parts. For example, a CD has 13 tracks. I want to rpi tracks 1-4 and 12-13 individually, but combine tracks 5-6 into one track, then combine tracks 7-9 into one track, and finally combine tracks 10-11 into one track. The current limitations, tracks 1-4 and 12-13 could be ripped,and then the rip-as-1 process used to do the three combinations. But, after doing each "rip-as-1" all fo the tag info is lost and resets to the original downloaded information, requiring it all be keyed in again. With the save/reload options, the keyed-in tag info could be saved before doing the first "rip-as-1" process and then reloaded after each "rip-as-1" process.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Option to "Save" tag data to a file

    There is DSP effects 'Write metadata file' and 'Read metadata file'

