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Configurable list of genres

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  • Tibor

    Configurable list of genres

    It would be great if we could configure what genres are available in the drop-down box in "Audio CD input".

    I have standardised to a rather limited set of genres (about 10). This is because I have a device (Audiotron) which I can configure to wake-up and play music by genre. Having a limited number of genres is really useful for this situation.

    Currently, I have a file where I have written down which genres I'm using so I can pick one from this list. Having this available when ripping would be great. You could have a config dialog where we have checkboxes for the ones to show in the drop-down box (all could be selected by default).

    (I posted another post regarding v2 problem with genre in this wishlist forum by mistake. In case the post can be handled here, I'll wait a while before reposting to the correct forum to avoid cross-posting.)