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Profile Transfering/Backing Up/Etc

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  • varian93

    • Oct 2011
    • 3

    Profile Transfering/Backing Up/Etc

    I wish for an easy way to keep/transfer/backup one's profiles.

    I completely understand the need to individualize the configuration of the technical aspects (i.e. ripper config/etc) but there are other aspects to a profile such as the naming conventions used both with the individual tracks as well as the directory placement & so on.

    I've just noticed that I have to 100% completely reconfigure my profile if I decide to use it in the future on a fresh install for whatever reason. That creates great fear... will I make a typo in the naming conventions or accidentally forget a directory or even accidentally misconfigure the codec's quality setting...

    Perhaps an export profile function where the profile exported includes everything in the profile except for drive properties etc. Those could remain stored in the registry.

    What's illustrate's saying... rip once rip right, or some such. I would hate to have the family pack installed on several machines in the house all ripping to a mutually shared location & each machine has a slight error in the profile so as to each machine ripping perfectly secure for their individual drives but the naming, codec, & other DSP functions are all ever so slightly different... so one doesn't notice the mistake until 25 discs into the ripping process & then has to go back & re-rip them or perhaps the "error" slips through unnoticed for 18 months & then it is noticed that all the discs ripped by machine *2 have their track number listed before the artist & all the other discs from the other machines have the track number listed after the artist...

    I wish for a profile transfer feature without any individual machine specific technical settings (i.e. drive configuration).
  • bluedotfauna

    • Apr 2016
    • 1

    Re: Profile Transfering/Backing Up/Etc

    I too wish there was a way to backup or transfer profile setups. I have spent a lot of time creating many Multi Encoder profiles. It would be great if I could back these up as they include a lot of specifics I will not easily remember, and it would save a lot of time and the potential for errors to not have to manually re-create all of the profiles on each one of the machines in my family pack.
    Love this software - think profile transfer would be a great feature.


    • mville
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2008
      • 4023

      Re: Profile Transfering/Backing Up/Etc

      Originally posted by bluedotfauna
      I too wish there was a way to backup or transfer profile setups. I have spent a lot of time creating many Multi Encoder profiles. It would be great if I could back these up as they include a lot of specifics I will not easily remember, and it would save a lot of time and the potential for errors to not have to manually re-create all of the profiles on each one of the machines in my family pack.
      If you are running Windows and you are an experienced windows user and comfortable with the windows registry, you can export/import the following registry key to backup/restore your profiles:
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\C DRipper\Profiles

      Please note however, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly, so backup your PC and registry beforehand.

      ... further info here: Location where dBpoweramp saves its settings


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: Profile Transfering/Backing Up/Etc

        I agree that a "backup/restore" profile option would be nice. I use this often in foobar2000 and mp3tag and it saves me a lot of time.


        • melgoth

          • Oct 2010
          • 16

          Re: Profile Transfering/Backing Up/Etc

          yes the backup or save option for profiles would be very helpful - of course it's possible to save the registry entry but what is when the registry entries will change in the future or has been changed already? To reload an registry path is very dangerous and much more based on different releases. It would be very helpful to export and import this settings with a menu part of the software which can control the version differences and knows the incompatibilities.
          Additional some profile functions are needed like:
          [copy profile] (which could be done internal with the export and import function )
          [diff profile] (after a month a don't know the difference between the profiles - really hard to compare it visual)


          • Outislander

            • Feb 2014
            • 4

            Re: Profile Transfering/Backing Up/Etc

            Good morning,

            Is it yet possible to save a profile 'externally' for back-up / re-installation purposes?



            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Profile Transfering/Backing Up/Etc

              Yes backup the registry:


              and the location on HDD:



              • Outislander

                • Feb 2014
                • 4

                Re: Profile Transfering/Backing Up/Etc

                Thanks Spoon.

                That's a bit scary for a non-techie. How about a menu option for 'Profile export' & 'Profile import' or 'Profile back-up' & 'Profile restore'? I've just had to re-load the programme and getting back to my preferred settings was a pain.


