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Suggestions to make perfect metadata ... more perfect and improve meta data entry

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  • eusebius

    • Aug 2011
    • 2

    Suggestions to make perfect metadata ... more perfect and improve meta data entry

    1) Perfect Metadata Review Window
    - It could be a great feature but in practice it's quite unusable because the data can't often be read on a small monitor like a laptop one (i listen to classical music and retrieved data text is often quite long, specially for title)
    - unresizable window
    - unresizable columns
    - too small fixed column size
    - no tooltip
    resizing ability is quite necessary for window and columns ; showing a tooltip for the current cell could be a workaround and would be the minimum expected?

    - the window should simply show the selected providers (and extend the columns size if possible) : actually, even with only one selected provider, all the providers are shown with blank data for non selected ones and the visibility problem remains

    - the ability to choose the tags to compare for the tracks would be useful (conductor, label, sort fields...): presently we can only compare the artist and composer tags

    - include front album art to compare quickly the appearance of retrieved covers

    2) Metadata providers usage
    Presently we can do a full search by clicking on the "Meta" button or choose a single provider by navigating threw the menu. Due to the visibility problem and partial data view of the Perfect Metadata Review Window, i use the meta data panel to compare the tags retrieved by different providers; i have to manually navigate through menu options to clear meta data and then choose the provider; repeating these operations is quite tedious.

    - it could be easier with the ability to clear and choose quickly (without navigating through menu) between using all included services or only a single one, choosen by default or explicitly ; the active service(s) should remain visible after retrieving data (we can imagine some buttons or a combo box on the main panel);
    - the Meta menu settings could include the ability to choose the default Service and the precedence between the different services (if the default can't be used for technical reason)

    i think these features could be useful even with a "true" perfect metadata review window

    3) Meta data Entry Panel
    it's also a visibility problem ; the meta data panel is not resizable and displays few lines on a standard monitor ; the metadata are often too long and we have no caption to see the entire text without editing.
    - Offer the ability to resize the meta data panel (in width and height) to see and enter data more conveniently ; at least, show tooltip on the current cell.

    4) Album Art Panel
    - Have a separate "choose album art" option to simply choose between covers retrieved by the providers : presently we can only use the "choose (from Internet)" option even if not interested by other covers, and we can't disable the internet search
    - Offer the ability to save a retrieved cover without having to rip the track (additional right click option in the <+> menu)

    Remark : ISRC field is not written in my flac ripped files (ISRC is checked in CD Ripper options and Meta menu, technical infos say my drive can read it) ?

  • eusebius

    • Aug 2011
    • 2

    Re: Suggestions to make perfect metadata ... more perfect and improve meta data entry

    no problem with ISRC : mentioned Cds were too old to have this information which is retrieved for recent ones

