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Conversion Queue / Restarts

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  • kleinfelter

    • Feb 2003
    • 28

    Conversion Queue / Restarts

    There's a feature that Exact Audio Copy (EAC) has that would be very helpful in dMC. I'll describe how it works in EAC.

    When EAC is ripping and compressing, it often can rip much faster than it can convert, so EAC adds compression tasks to a job queue. If the user shuts down EAC, EAC dies, or Windows crashes, the next time EAC is started, it resumes processing of the queue.

    I'd like to see dMC use a similar mechanism for conversion tasks. I just had a 48 hour conversion session die half way through. I'm going to re-run the whole thing because it is too hard to find out figure out which files did not get converted. Also, when I set up an epic conversion job, it can run for a week. It would be nice to be able to reboot my PC in the event that I install something, Windows gets confused, etc., and I'd like dMC to pick up where it left off.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Good point I have taken it on board (has happened to me as well), it needs to be smart as there can be multiple dMCs all converting at the same time.


    • Unregistered

      Allow me to add my voice requesting this feature. I would like to switch from EAC to dbpoweramp primarily to take advantage of the accuraterip database (and to help populate it.) But there's no way I can go back to synchronous rip/encode/rip/encode cyles. The EAC method of ripping at full speed and then letting the compression queue run all night is just too good.

      As far as I can tell after a few rips, this is the only obstacle to my switching over.


      • kleinfelter

        • Feb 2003
        • 28

        You know, it could be implemented as an option -- If the option is set, the queue is used, and only a single instance of dbPowerAmp is permitted (i.e. when dbPowerAmp starts it could check the handle to the previous instance and quit if non-null).


        • RossRoy
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2003
          • 403

          Or, the queue could be saved in a database/files and all instances of poweramp could then access the database and just put a flag "being encoded" and then delete the entry once it's done.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            As a temporary measure you might want to Rip to Monkeys Audio (very fast compression - lossless about 2:1, with Tagging), then overnight just set it to convert all those monkey files.

