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More output options

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  • Unregistered

    More output options

    I had about 1100 WMAs and wanted to convert them to MP3s because they sounded better for me in Linux. So I put my computer to convert the files before i went to sleep. The estimated time was about 8-9 hours so i decided to check the comp in the morning.

    When I checked the progress in the morning, the computer was shutdown. I dont know wether it was a power cut or a problem with the computer but then i figured out that

    1. Only 907 of the files have been converted.
    2. The directory structure was not followed. (All the files were written to one directory.
    3. I think that the comp stopped because there might have been a filename conflict.

    So now I am figuring out how to find the files which were not converted. That will be a very tedious task!!!

    I hope a plugin or future versions of dBpowerAMP allow you to mirror the directory structure of the source files. This one feature would have solved all my problems.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    File selector will do that, run a small test on a few files first.

