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two ways of saving selective

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  • donny
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Oct 2002
    • 761

    two ways of saving selective

    Hi, I was thinking it would be nice to have two ways of saving selective settings....
    as I figured the curent way saves whitch artist (or whatever) not to play. That's not bad, usually it's the best, but if you add more music to the list than it can be a problem, especialy if you want to listen just to a few artists (for example I want to listen Queen, I click tick none, then I tick Queen, Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Brian May band, Roger Taylor, The Cross and maybe something else).

    my sugestion is to add a file type witch would save whitch artists to play, and in the same time leave the old way and let the user select witch one he / she wants to use for whitch setup.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Can you explain this a little more?


    • donny
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Oct 2002
      • 761

      Sorry for my english, I got kinda lost in what I was trying to say.

      I will be speaking of artists selection but I think it's the same for all modes of selection

      The two ways:
      1) How it works now - saves all the stuff (artists, for example) that should NOT be played. (correct me if I'm wrong).
      2) Saves just the stufs it SHOULD play.

      The second way would make smaller files if we want to play just a couple of artists. And if you add more music to the MMC then it wouldn't be automaticly added as should be played.

      Hope this clears stuff


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        >smaller files if we want to play just a couple of artists

        Does the size of the selective file really matter? I thought it was quite small. There is one problem (currently) in that if you had set selective to exclude everything except artist 'ABC' and a new artist is added to the collection 'XYZ' then it will not be excluded.


        • donny
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Oct 2002
          • 761

          Size doesn't actualy matter, I was just mentioning it by the way

          <i> There is one problem (currently) in that if you had set selective to exclude everything except artist 'ABC' and a new artist is added to the collection 'XYZ' then it will not be excluded.</I>

          Well that is what I was trying to say. I have been adding a lot of music to the collection and there were a few selective files I made before that and now they are pretty much unusable. It's not that much of a problem just though it could maybe be a new feature or something....

