When using DAP I always have it set on Random play and then use the enqueue facility for playing certain tracks or albums. But I found that with Random off if there is nothing enqueued then it just stops playing.
What I would like to see is that if Random is off when a track finishes then it goes to the next track in the MMC list according to your sorting preferences. Also combined with this when you select next track it moves one down the MMC list or previous track moves one up (not necessarily the last track played).
This would be incredibly useful, for instance if it was playing a track off an album and you wanted to listen to the rest of the album, instead of going into MMC and enqueing it you just turn off Random and it plays the rest of the album in turn. Or you wanted to listen to the track before the one playing just turn off Random and press previous play and hey-presto there you go.
What I would like to see is that if Random is off when a track finishes then it goes to the next track in the MMC list according to your sorting preferences. Also combined with this when you select next track it moves one down the MMC list or previous track moves one up (not necessarily the last track played).
This would be incredibly useful, for instance if it was playing a track off an album and you wanted to listen to the rest of the album, instead of going into MMC and enqueing it you just turn off Random and it plays the rest of the album in turn. Or you wanted to listen to the track before the one playing just turn off Random and press previous play and hey-presto there you go.