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Improve CD Writer (dCW)

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  • GiacomoGo
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Aug 2006
    • 50

    Improve CD Writer (dCW)

    I don't use CD Writer much, because it seems unfinished.
    So a few requests for improvements:

    1) can't recurse folder contents in upper right-hand window. this would be useful, especially because I could then use the lower-right pane to sort and select.

    2) selecting tracks, lower right-hand pane shows tags, but if I try to rearrange cols (dragging left & right) it gets totally confused and messes up the contents. selecting "Default cols" sorts this out, but then default cols don't include Year. This should work.

    3) in that same lower pane I can select multiple tracks from one folder, and it looks like I can drag multiple tracks to the left-hand planned CD window, but then the music converter only converts and queues the first. Not only inconvenient (I can't convert 8 and walk away, I have to drag 8 individually) but inconsistent behavior, and inconsistent with Win Explorer -> right-click -> Convert 2 behavior which can handle multiple tracks in one go. Fixing this would improve ease of use.