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"smart" source & overwrite check + support for new CPUs

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  • dobra

    • Apr 2010
    • 4

    "smart" source & overwrite check + support for new CPUs

    Hi guys,

    you are doing great job!!! Without it I don't know how can I manage my music library and convert my music to different formats for different devices. Thanx a lot!

    I have 2 wishes:

    1) to create better "source & overwrite check". I'm usually converting from one disk to other, so there is no risk to overwrite source file, but when I'm starting conversion of my library (11k+ songs), it takes a huge amount of time to check every file. You can check it simply by source & target directory (I'm using dynamic mode with origpath\origfilename setting). I understand, that ther options in dynamic mode are more complicated, but this is quite straitforward.

    2) I have new iCore7 CPU with 4 physical cores and 8 logical cores. Can you upgrade MultiCPU plugin to support more cores thand 4. It seems, that 8+ core will be quite common soon. This upgrade shoud be very easy I think and for people that has this new multicore computers it will be big performance improvement.

    and 1 dream wish: Do you think about using graphical core of latest graphics card? It has massive computing power and I think that it can be used for music compression as well.

    Thanx a lot and bye,
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: "smart" source & overwrite check + support for new CPUs

    1) In this time it is actually reading the ID Tags, they have to be done before conversion incase dynamic naming is used.

    2) See R14 (beta section) it supports 16 cores.


    • dobra

      • Apr 2010
      • 4

      Re: "smart" source & overwrite check + support for new CPUs

      1) I see.
      2) Great!!! I'm looking forward for release version.



      • chrisbridgeave

        • Apr 2010
        • 3

        Re: "smart" source & overwrite check + support for new CPUs

        My problem is a little different, I think, but this thread is the closest I have come to answering my question; although I'm not sure I understand the answer to question 1!

        I also have a large library of FLAC files >10k and am trying to maintain a duplicate library in MP3 format. I use either multi-encoder ripping or batch music converter. My problem is that as my library (and experience) grows I might decide to change the tagging on a FLAC file or files (using MP3Tag), add album artwork where missing and/or change directory structures - I would like these changes to be reflected in the MP3 "mirror" without having to delete the whole structure and re-convert. Help please.


        • moley6knipe
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • May 2008
          • 97

          Re: "smart" source & overwrite check + support for new CPUs

 is a tool that does this

