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Grab first word, or grab until char command

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  • TechVsLife
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2007
    • 95

    Grab first word, or grab until char command

    for dynamic path creation when ripping:
    It would be good to have a command to get the first (or last) word, or grab until a specified delimiter character (e.g. space, semi-colon).
    For example, it would be useful to get the last name (fred chopin). Or if I have an entry like Chopin (1810-49), I'd like to grab "Chopin" (the first word, or the string until the first space).
  • merlinus98

    • Mar 2010
    • 1

    Re: Grab first word, or grab until char command

    or strip first word also ?

    for example, I prefer to create subdirectory for classical music with only the lastname of the composer:
    - with John Adams, I will have: \Adams\
    - with Ralph Vaughan Williams, I should have: \Vaughan Williams\
    yes, not easy

