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Wishlist for this dbpa Forum application

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  • falconsoars

    • Nov 2009
    • 8

    Wishlist for this dbpa Forum application

    I've been using this Forum extensively for the past few months. Although I really like dbpa, it's complex enough that, if not for this Forum, I probably would have had to use some inferior but simpler audio tool to rip my 2500+ album collection. This is a wonderful source of information and one of the only support forums I've ever come across where a developer actively participates in the discussions - and even more rare, responds promptly to inquiries!

    I salute and thank you, Spoon, for providing us with this unique service and of course, for developing and continuing to enhance such an awesome audio tool. LtData, you also do a great job of moderating and answering questions.

    Forum Wishlist:
    1) I access the Forum as a guest because I'm just getting information from it. I log in only when I have something to post, like now. I've burrowed down into a thread somewhere in the bowels of the Forum when I come up with an idea or question I want to post. But when I log in, I get taken right back to the Forum home page. I know I can find my way back to where I was, but I've found this inconvenience has prompted me to not bother posting or at my age, not remembering what I was going to post :smile2: so I have tended not to post at all. It would be helpful to come back to where I was before logging in.

    2) The Forum search engine ignoring short search terms is a continuous source of frustration for me since I have been using the search at least 5-10 times/day during this period when I'm learning dbpa and ripping my collection. I can understand ignoring the common words other search engines ignore like "the", "and", "to", etc. But it ignores short words that are significant to dbpa like "rip". I can usually figure out how to search for the same thing using longer words like "ripping" instead of "rip" but yesterday I encountered a situation where I entered a three word search, all of them short (there goes my memory again - can't remember what they were, but I do remember that they made sense when put together), and all of them ignored by the search engine - leaving me with nothing to search on.

    In cases like that, my workaround is do a search from outside of for those terms that the Forum search ignores and let that external search engine point me to places on the dbpa site or in Hydrogenaudio corresponding to my search terms. Why can't the Forum search follow the same conventions as an engine like Google uses to weed out commonly used terms and let us search on everything else, regardless of length?