If you are unable to get an accuraterip of a disc in a drive, the data from that rip is saved, including information on bad sectors, C2 errors, etc. The disc is then placed in a second drive. Because each drive reads discs a little differently it may be able to get an accuraterip or it may be able to recover some frames the first drive could not. This would allow users with multiple drives to potentially get an accuraterip that no single drive alone could get.
If the user has access to more then one copy of the disc, the a second disc could be used. If other copies have a different pressing offset, dBpoweramp could use the pressing offset of the first disc to read the data required to re-build the first disc accurately.
If the user has access to more then one copy of the disc, the a second disc could be used. If other copies have a different pressing offset, dBpoweramp could use the pressing offset of the first disc to read the data required to re-build the first disc accurately.