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MP2 for Radio Broadcast Standards

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  • prwworg

    • Jan 2009
    • 1

    MP2 for Radio Broadcast Standards

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I produce audio programs for Public Radio which uses some very particular settings within an MP2 file.

    Your program is listed on the NPR - PRSS chart of programs that does NOT convert audio from WAV files pursuant to PRSS standards (now the chart was produced two years ago -- so hopefully that has changed).

    You can see in the chart (link for chart below my signature) that PRSS lists a free program made by PRX as being PRSS OK -- however, the PRX program truncates the metadata so that a 60-minute file (0:60:00 or actually 1:00:00) displays as if it were only 0:59:56 (off by about four seconds for every hour of audio). [Actual audio length is unchanged -- runs the exact and full sixty minutes -- just the display-length shows as being less than what it really is.]

    Do you have a codec plug in or program that performs the required particulars that also displays the length accurately -- so that an exact and full 60-minute piece is going to read out as 0:60:00 or 1:00:00 and not as 0:59:56 -- four seconds shorter than actual audio length (even though it plays back as a full 1:00:00).

    That's very important to our uploads to public radio stations. Will you please advise if you have such a program or codec. Presently I have the 12.1 Professional version.

    Stephen L. Gilbreath
    SLG (at)

    The link for the PRSS chart with the required MP2 particulars is at:
