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id3v2.4 tag support

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  • TechVsLife
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2007
    • 95

    id3v2.4 tag support

    It would be helpful to have id3v2.4 tag support, at least read support for proper conversion of tags on some mp3 files. (or is v2.4 not considered a standard? not sure if it will be supported by wmp 12 / windows 7).
  • grommet

    • Apr 2007
    • 10

    Re: id3v2.4 tag support

    Windows 7's shell, like Vista, does not support ID3v2.4 tags with MP3 content. Neither does Windows Media Player 12. I don't expect this to change by release time.

    ID3v2.4 is not the de facto standard for ID3 MP3 tagging. Even agrees.


    • TechVsLife
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • May 2007
      • 95

      Re: id3v2.4 tag support

      thanks, that's helpful. assuming windows 7 / wmp 12 final release does not write id3v2.4 tags, and assuming that itunes also does not default to writing id3v2.4, then there's no need to add id3v2.4 write support as far as I'm concerned. (however, it seems adding 2.4 read support would still be a good idea if there happen to be a significant number of mp3's around using 2.4 and adding it does not introduce complications.)


      • Wayne
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Aug 2002
        • 1254

        Re: id3v2.4 tag support

        What may be nice to have is a new utility codec (or update to an existing one) that can convert v2.4 tags to v2.3.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: id3v2.4 tag support

          If we ever add read support we would have to add write support also. It is a real shame that there are factions who are pushsing v2.4 exclusively, despite it's practical limitations - they are not aware of the damage (in cross compatibility) they are causing.


          • TechVsLife
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • May 2007
            • 95

            Re: id3v2.4 tag support

            The strongest position for v2.4 tags that I've seen is in foobar2000: they really seem to want to discourage v2.3 use ("broken software"--seems a tad harsh since v2.3 is apparently the closest thing to a real standard). I don't know if "unsynchronization" and "no padding" in v2.3 is really a matter of concern (actually, I believe that "unsynchronization" was an iTunes-only problem, not a 2.3 problem per se, and was corrected).

            (I should add that foobar2k is an excellent player, my favorite, though I'm using mp3tag for tagging.)

            From the foobar2000 help file:
            foobar2000 writes ID3v2.4 tags encoded as UTF-8 by default. To deal with broken software/hardware with partial support of the ID3v2 standard, an “ID3v2 writer compatibility mode” has been added ('Preferences → Advanced → Tagging → MP3 → ID3v2 writer compatibility mode'); it results in non-standard-compliant tags being written (ID3v2.3 instead of ID3v2.4, UTF-16, no unsynchronization, no padding), but attempts to dodge known bugs in other ID3v2 implementations.
            Last edited by TechVsLife; January 31, 2009, 09:53 PM.


            • eboyer93
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Apr 2008
              • 69

              Re: id3v2.4 tag support

              Originally posted by Spoon
              If we ever add read support we would have to add write support also. It is a real shame that there are factions who are pushsing v2.4 exclusively, despite it's practical limitations - they are not aware of the damage (in cross compatibility) they are causing.
              I don't see the harm in adding support for ID3v2.4. Just make ID3v2.3 the default.:smile2:

