I convert alot of Audio books for myself and friends, they rip with tracks per cd, I would like to beable to join said tracks into singel files per disk with dbpoweramp insted of having to rip to wav then join with Shuangs Audio Joiner then convert with dbp.
just alot of hassle to get where Im headed if you know what I mean.
most of my friends have samsung audio players(yp-u3 or yp-t10 or yp-p2's) as such i can use LOW rate Ogg files and get excelent quility for books and bbc radio dramas(the hobbit, lotr, HitchHikers Guide, diskworld)
changing cd's as you drive is NOT SAFE(my buddys gf ran into a parked car doing that a couple years back....yes she gets teased about it to this day)
the formats i would love to beable to join without so much hassle are ogg, wav, flac and aac, Im not sure if its any easyer to join one format vs another or not, but I think if it is that open formats may be easyer
just alot of hassle to get where Im headed if you know what I mean.
most of my friends have samsung audio players(yp-u3 or yp-t10 or yp-p2's) as such i can use LOW rate Ogg files and get excelent quility for books and bbc radio dramas(the hobbit, lotr, HitchHikers Guide, diskworld)
changing cd's as you drive is NOT SAFE(my buddys gf ran into a parked car doing that a couple years back....yes she gets teased about it to this day)
the formats i would love to beable to join without so much hassle are ogg, wav, flac and aac, Im not sure if its any easyer to join one format vs another or not, but I think if it is that open formats may be easyer
