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Audio Join Codec OR DSP

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  • AshenSugar
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2006
    • 67

    Audio Join Codec OR DSP

    I convert alot of Audio books for myself and friends, they rip with tracks per cd, I would like to beable to join said tracks into singel files per disk with dbpoweramp insted of having to rip to wav then join with Shuangs Audio Joiner then convert with dbp.

    just alot of hassle to get where Im headed if you know what I mean.

    most of my friends have samsung audio players(yp-u3 or yp-t10 or yp-p2's) as such i can use LOW rate Ogg files and get excelent quility for books and bbc radio dramas(the hobbit, lotr, HitchHikers Guide, diskworld)

    changing cd's as you drive is NOT SAFE(my buddys gf ran into a parked car doing that a couple years back....yes she gets teased about it to this day)

    the formats i would love to beable to join without so much hassle are ogg, wav, flac and aac, Im not sure if its any easyer to join one format vs another or not, but I think if it is that open formats may be easyer
  • dvdr
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2008
    • 235

    Re: Audio Join Codec OR DSP

    I would like to endorse AshenSugar's request and give him a possible solution as well:
    try to choose "rip as one" in dBpoweramps ripper, then you at least have ONE file per CD....

    But AshenSugar is pointing out a valuable point here:
    please offer some sort of "encode as one"-option/plugin/DSP with dBpoweramps encoder.
    For example by highlighting multiple files or by choosing the files in some sort of separate dialogue. Of course, the order of the files must be arrangeable in some way to ensure, that files are not encoded in the wrong order.
    The reason behind this is the following: me to, I am using dBpoweramp a lot to encode my audiobook-CDs to m4b for IPod-use. I would love to have a single m4b-file from multiple CDs by ripping them "as one" into single "CD-files" and then "encode to one single file".
    BTW: The sound-quality of a dBpoweramp encoded m4b is LOADS better than the same-size audible file, therefor I usually buy the CDs and encode them myself.


    • Carlton Bale

      • Jan 2006
      • 16

      Re: Audio Join Codec OR DSP

      I also would love to have this feature for the exact same reason. I currently have to rip 10 CDs, combine them via the command prompt into 1 file, and then compress that one file. I wish there was a joiner function to do this for me.


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Audio Join Codec OR DSP

        Your combining 10 CDs into 1 file? Are they audio-books or something?


        • AshenSugar
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Sep 2006
          • 67

          Re: Audio Join Codec OR DSP

          yes, enlarge they tend to be audio books or audio dramas(bbc audio dramas such as "the hitch hikers buide to the galixy")

          audio books/drama's are becoming more and more popular, I listen to them when im working on puters, or on a trip where reading would be a pain(buss rides with a book are far more of apain then using my samsung yp-u3 or yp-t10 with ogg vorbis audio)

          I also have alot of friends and relitives who trade books/drama's with me, we each buy what we like or others recomend then we trade when we are done with them, i know the publishers would prefer we each buy a new copy of each book, but i dont do that with paper books why would i with far more expencive audio books?

          I prefer ogg (aotuv) because per bitrate it offers the best quility, better then aac or mp3, that means i can have more on my player with ogg :D


          • Carlton Bale

            • Jan 2006
            • 16

            Re: Audio Join Codec OR DSP

            I'm still having troubles converting multipe CDs into one audio book (m4b) file. My #1 wish is for new features is merging of files together. Other programs I've tried just don't work reliably.


            • AshenSugar
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Sep 2006
              • 67

              Re: Audio Join Codec OR DSP

              Originally posted by Carlton Bale
              I'm still having troubles converting multipe CDs into one audio book (m4b) file. My #1 wish is for new features is merging of files together. Other programs I've tried just don't work reliably.
              currently the only method i have found thats not a huge hassle to

              1. rip to mp3 or wav, then join using Shuangs Audio Joiner(freeware) then convert to the format you want after join.

              my buddy rips to flac with EAC(single file) for each disk, then converts the flac files to 320k lame files, THEN joings them THEN converts to whatever format he wants, its time consuming but it works....


              • dvdr
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Sep 2008
                • 235

                Re: Audio Join Codec OR DSP

                @ AshenSugar
                I found a tool, which is at least saving some of the hassle for audiobooks:


                I rip my Audiobook-CDs as I used to to m4b with dbpoweramp.
                Then YAMB comes into play: it has an option to merge files (they HAVE to be the same profile, but if you rip with one setting, it's no problem).
                Add your files (caveat: due to a Windows-Bug, when choosing from a directory with multiple files, always click on the last file first, then hold shift, then on the first file in the row and that way select all files at once - then they are in the proper order, otherwise, the last file will show up as the first file...)
                Browse to the location where to save your merged file, enter a name, choose "mp4" option, give the file a name and the extension m4b. Click ok
                Then, click on the downward arrow left of the filename. Choose "Ipod" and "mp4", doubleckeck, whether the filename still has m4b as an extension and change otherwise.
                Run the program, and edit ID-Tags in the merged file, that's it.

                Sounds like a lot of work, but if you follow my explanation step by step, you see, that this is just a few seconds of work....
                Good luck!


                • AshenSugar
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Sep 2006
                  • 67

                  Re: Audio Join Codec OR DSP

                  thx, but i dont use mp4(dont got an ipod and wouldnt want one, to limmiting format and software wise)

                  this is good temp fix for ppl who want mp4/m4a/m4b files, the app i mentioned above effectivly does the same thing(it can save to mp3, wma or wav AFIK) then u gotta convert to ur favorite format.

                  hope the next edition of dbp has this ability built in


                  • Lion1

                    • Feb 2008
                    • 7

                    Re: Audio Join Codec OR DSP

                    i would really appreciate this feature.
                    I have a lot of mp3-Audiobooks (each with some tracks). I want to JOIN the different tracks to one file and convert it to aac (m4b)...


                    • Obelisk

                      • Feb 2009
                      • 1

                      Re: Audio Join Codec OR DSP

                      I too would like to selectively merge ripped tracks.

                      I listen to classical music where typically a CD will hold two or more works each having several movements. These I merge into one file per work so I can compress their dynamic ranges at a 'super-track' level for playing in the car. My present production route is laborious as I need three applications to achieve this:
                      1) selective ripping of a set of CDs into archive 'super tracks' and cue sheets - this takes several ripping operations per CD
                      2) batch DSP conversion - an unattended batch process as I do my other chores
                      3) tagging - the tags will always need to be changed, and I do the master and the converted copies together as the first two apps use different conventions.

                      I don't currently subscribe to dbpoweramp but would if I knew this feature was included in the list of future developments as it looks very impressive otherwise. Perhaps Spoon or Ltdata could give a definitive reply to this request?

