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REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

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  • EliC
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 1175

    REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

    Spoon, until/if there are rip sessions I was hoping you could put together a small app to output the CD TOC. I want to pre-screen discs before ripping and generate lists of discs. If I already have them, I do not want to re-rip them, however, I want to add them to a new list as well as a master list. I am hoping that once I get a new MB for my composermax that I can do this with brendan's loader utility.

    Is CD TOC the BEST way to identify unique discs? How do different pressings effect CD TOC?

    Thank you!!!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

    >How do different pressings effect CD TOC?

    No changes

    Personally I think if you are comparing then use the AccurateRip disc id, it is human readable and as far as I have seen there are no / little clashes.


    • EliC
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 1175

      Re: REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

      Would it be possible to release a small app, that would accept command line parameters with option to have either CD TOC and/or ARid? I don't know if it would be better to send the results to a txt document, excel or access. I am hoping to have something that MediaMonkey can access through a script to separate out different rips.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

        The tools are already there, AR ID can be written to the tag and mass exported to an excel page with [audio info]


        • EliC
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 1175

          Re: REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

          I guess I did not think about that. Could we have a tags only "codec" that would actually not rip any audio, but just write all of the tags to a file?


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

            You mean the [Audio Info] utility codec that Spoon mentioned? :D


            • EliC
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • May 2004
              • 1175

              Re: REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

              No, I want to PRE-screen my discs before ripping, creating a list of discs in a batch, either of CD TOCs or ARids. The [Audio Info] utility will require me to rip the discs first, then export the selected meta-data.

              What I want to do:
              Load discs into robot
              Check discid
              Create list of discsids in the batch
              Compare discid to a master list
              -if disc is already in collection set aside to not rip
              -if not in collection put in to be ripped pile

              Ultimately I would hope to see something like the be able to be done in an automated fashion with the batch ripper (or even the regular ripper), getting rid of the step to run the discs through the robot twice and having the batch ripper skip discs that are already in the master list (but adding the disc ID to the rip session). I would like to be able to manage the collection, copying files/albums based on the RipSession.

              Why do I want to do this? I buy large batches of CDs from ebay/yard sales/ect and want to be able to rip them without paying multiple times for the meta-data or adding the same disc to my collection multiple times. If I rip discs for my wife I want to be able to pull out her discs and transcode the files or copy her files to a different disc.


              • DazBYorks
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Feb 2008
                • 59

                Re: REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App


                If all you need is the discid then there are a couple of command line programs or use CDex set with a profile that doesn't lookup on-line and insert as many discs as you like - then grab the contents of the CDDB_Batch.txt file.



                • EliC
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 1175

                  Re: REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

                  I don't want the CDDB id as it has a high number of collisions. I also need to be able to use it with a robot.


                  • Porcus
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Feb 2007
                    • 792

                    Re: REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

                    Originally posted by EliC
                    I don't want the CDDB id as it has a high number of collisions.
                    Spoon pointed me to the [unique] field, does that solve your problem?


                    • EliC
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • May 2004
                      • 1175

                      Re: REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

                      Originally posted by Porcus
                      Spoon pointed me to the [unique] field, does that solve your problem?
                      No, because I don't want to rip as a first step. I want to screen the discs first.


                      • EliC
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • May 2004
                        • 1175

                        Re: REQUEST - Standalone CD TOC App

                        Let me try to better explain what I want to do

                        1)load discs in robot
                        2)have robot read ARid or CD TOC of each disc
                        3)enter each disc ARid or CD TOC into a txt list/excel/access AND compare each ARid/CD TOC to an existing list
                        -if the ARid/CD TOC is in the already ripped list, move the physical disc in the robot to an already ripped pile
                        -if the disc is not in the already ripped list, add the disc to the to be ripped pile
                        **note - at this stage the discs are NOT being ripped and NO meta-data is being looked up
                        4)Rip the discs in the 2 be ripped pile

                        Why? In order to build my music collection I look for CD lots on ebay or buy cds cheap at yard sales. I get ALOT of double and do not want to take the time to go through them one at a time by hand - this is a great job for a computer and a robot! Since I will be using the batch ripper I will be paying for all my lookups and I do not want to have to pay to lookup a disc that is already in my collection.
                        Last edited by EliC; July 17, 2008, 06:08 PM.

