Can we please have Tag from file name as a Utility again, that was very handy
Tag from File Name
Re: Tag from File Name
you can have both the old and new dMC installed at the same time... so you could theoretically run the old MC and use it's tag from filename codec.
I use it that way.
note that the version you install later will be used by the system by default. so I suggest installing first the old one, and than the new one. this way you can use all the new features, and when you need the tagging you can explicitly run the old one.
I have dbpoweramp player and the old DMC installed into e:\program files\, and the new dmc into c:\program files...
this way, when I right click on files in MMC I can use the old converter. when I right click on a file while browsing file with explorer I can use the new DMC from the contex menu...
hope this helps...Comment
Re: Tag from File Name
Thanks Donny,
Thats the way I have both versions installed also, however where I need to use tag from filename the most is in the source folder prior to loading into MMC which then uses the later version converter...hence no tag from file name.Comment