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Xmas Wishlist

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  • EliC
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 1175

    Xmas Wishlist

    Ok, I know I won't get these in time for Christmas, but this is my personal high priority list of the features that I would think would be easiest to implement and would be most helpful to my work flow when ripping CDs.

    Easiest (I think)

    -Separate accurately ripped and inaccurate directories: When a disc is ripped accurately the files are placed in the normal directory. When one or more tracks on the disc are inaccurate the user would have the option to move all of the disc, or just the inaccurate files to an incomplete or inaccurate directory separate and distinct from the main library. If in the future the disc is repaired or a different copy of the same pressing is ripped and all of the files are ripped accurately dB moves the album over to the accurate directory.

    -Rip sessions: basically generate a playlist for a rip-session. You can start and stop a new rip session at any point. All files ripped during a rip session are added to the rip session playlist. So if I rip my discs I can create a rip-session for me. Then when I rip my wife's discs I create a separate rip-session. If a disc is loaded that is already in the library, it is not re-ripped, but the disc is added to the rip-session. All the files are moved to the same library, but when I want to load her songs to her iPod I just move her playlist and all of her songs are loaded. Rip sessions would also work for creating lists of songs to convert with the converter, which would hopefully out put a new list for managing that group of songs

    - Write the raw cd toc to the album directory as an option for codecs that dont store the toc

    - Option to do a test rip - no encoding, not even "test encoding", and if the disc has already been ripped, write the CRC and accuraterip results to the log of the original rip

    -write log with test rip/encoding

    -skip tracks with > X or > X% individual bad frames in secure ripper settings

    -skip track if any pass is >X times realtime

    More Difficult

    -Libary database: I dont need full library functionality in the ripper, but I would like the ripper to have some knowledge of my library. When ripping a disc I would like the ripper to check and see if the disc is already in the library, or maybe one with the same Album name but a different number of tracks

    -Consistent Artist Naming (More on the library database): This falls under both the advanced meta data tool and the library database. Even within AMG and virtually every other meta source artists are often not named consistently from album to album (ie Guns n' Roses, Guns N Roses, Guns-n-Roses.....). It should be easy enough for the ripper to check and see. The ripper should check the list of MB alt artists names and also for any close matches in the current library and suggest a consistent name for an artist when appropriate.
  • Wayne
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Aug 2002
    • 1254

    Re: Xmas Wishlist

    -Libary database: I dont need full library functionality in the ripper, but I would like the ripper to have some knowledge of my library. When ripping a disc I would like the ripper to check and see if the disc is already in the library, or maybe one with the same Album name but a different number of tracks
    This will most likely come available once dAP (and MMC) has been updated to be fully compatible with dMC r12/13.


    • EliC
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 1175

      Re: Xmas Wishlist

      I don't know what spoon's current plans are for the player. However, there is much less functionality required to add this library database to the ripper.

      If accurate and inaccurate/incomplete rip directories are supported as requested the ripper would simply need to check each.

      If the disc has been ripped and is in the accurate directory it will let you know in the regular ripper, or skip in in the batch ripper, but the disc would be added to the rip-session.

      If the disc is in the inaccurate directory, well Im not sure of the best behavior here. Should an attempt be made to see if its the same pressing? Or just rip the missing songs? I suppose it should just rip the whole disc, if everything is accurate move the new rip to the completed directory and delete the inaccurate rip.

      This does get more complicated when dealing with Artists that release the same albums with different songs. This often happens in box sets when bonus songs are added, or the band does a private release and then is signed by a label and a few songs change on the album. I guess if all other songs lengths match, the new titled songs are ripped and stored in the same album directory??


      • EliC
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 1175

        Re: Xmas Wishlist

        I forgot to add another easy one, the option to reject CD-R/RW


        • EliC
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 1175

          Re: Xmas Wishlist

          ...looks under xmas tree...

          But seriously, is there any chance of getting some of these easier features soon. Especially external TOC files. There are some discs I would like to rip now and prefer not to need to re-rip later.

          Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44843

            Re: Xmas Wishlist

            We cannot commit to timescales for new developments until Sveta and CD Writer are completed.


            • EliC
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • May 2004
              • 1175

              Re: Xmas Wishlist

              NP, I understand that you cannot commit to a timeframe.

              It sounds like you are saying you won't even look at the database features until you re-attack sveta and the CD Writer. If you projected release is ~Juneish for R13, I would guess a year later at best for sveta and the CD writer. I am not a programmer and clearly don't understand exactly what is involved in implementing all of these features but I can say I really had my fingers crossed for R13 as it would greatly improve the workflow, especially with the batch ripper and the robot I invested in just for R13 and the batch ripper.

              As to the non-db feature request, I would guess they would be much easier to implement. Things like rejecting CD-R/RW, especially for the batch ripper would be very helpful. Writing the CD TOC to an external file when not supported in tags should be very easy, just write the binary file to an external file and give it whatever extension you want, how about .toc.

              Thanks spoon for reading. Its the best CD ripper out there and I wouldn't be here making feature requests if I didn't think it was the BEST. Keep up the great work and have a happy new year!

