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ID Tag update to new location

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  • Des

    • Jul 2007
    • 36

    ID Tag update to new location

    I would like the ID Tag Update Codec to allow the output directory to be specified. I want to keep my original collection intact until I'm sure I have the process under control. This would save me having to back up the original collection before experimenting.
  • RipTheWorld

    • Sep 2007
    • 25

    Re: ID Tag update to new location

    This feature would prove very useful to me as well.

    Is there any reason why this functionality has been disabled?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44843

      Re: ID Tag update to new location

      The Codec on its own does not copy or duplicate the files rather updates the existing ones.


      • RipTheWorld

        • Sep 2007
        • 25

        Re: ID Tag update to new location

        Understood. Seems logical.

        Any chance of getting the copy bit being built-in? The process to update the tags can be pretty time consuming and it would be really useful to combine it with another task such as copying to an external drive.

        These jobs can then be left overnight to run.


        • donny
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Oct 2002
          • 761

          Re: ID Tag update to new location

          I think it's easiest to first backup the data, then run the codec on it, if you want to be sure you can return everything how it was.

          on the other hand, being that the codec was designed to just change a few bytes inside the file, it would probably be an unnecessary expansion of the design. it could probably even lead to problems with users who accidentally duplicate their collection.

          and about combining the task, well I think you can make a bat file or something like that to automatize two or more tasks. dbpoweramp is pretty good about command line parameters, so I think it is pretty doable.


          • dano272

            • Nov 2011
            • 6

            Re: ID Tag update to new location

            Any further movement on this request or is this where it ended. I ask because I very much like the ability of dbpoweramp to create directories and filenames based on rules. It would be great to be able to manipulate tags during a move to a new location while at the same time keeping the original files in place untouched. Of course this could be done by copying the files first and then using dbpoweramp to manipulate the new tags - but you lose the ability to use the tags to rename files and create directories. Anyway - just bumping this request.


            • Wayne
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Aug 2002
              • 1254

              Re: ID Tag update to new location

              Originally posted by dano272
              Any further movement on this request or is this where it ended. I ask because I very much like the ability of dbpoweramp to create directories and filenames based on rules. It would be great to be able to manipulate tags during a move to a new location while at the same time keeping the original files in place untouched. Of course this could be done by copying the files first and then using dbpoweramp to manipulate the new tags - but you lose the ability to use the tags to rename files and create directories. Anyway - just bumping this request.
              Couldn't you use the Arrange Music codec after you have amended the tags to create the necessary directories/filenames?


              • dano272

                • Nov 2011
                • 6

                Re: ID Tag update to new location

                I was hoping to keep the originals untouched and in their original directories. The Arrange Music codec moves (deletes) the original files if you're destination is a different directory.

