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AccurateRip: External Tool

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  • calestyo

    • Nov 2006
    • 46

    AccurateRip: External Tool

    Hi. I'd like to see a separate tool that helps the users of dmc (and other applications that make use of AccurateRip, like EAC) to "work" with AccurateRip results.

    I could imagine the following use-cases:
    1) It's often the case, that when someone rips a CD this CD is new in the AccurateRip database, or has only very low confidence values.
    In this case it would be interesting for the users to be able to check the status again (at a later time), without having to re-rip the data.

    2) I've often experienced that each track of a CD does not verify with AccurateRip, while the CD seems to be in a good condition.
    AccurateRip mentions that this may be a different pressing of the CD.
    It would be great if one could check the CRC data from other pressings that are in the database,.. and not only the values for the pressing with the highest confidence values.
    (If the database would only store the currently highest rated pressing, I'd consider that as a design error ).

    Best wishes,
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: AccurateRip: External Tool

    1) This is planned for a later date, which is why I believe that AccurateRip values are written to the files as tags.

    2) I think that result means that your pressing isn't in the database, not that your pressing doesn't have a high enough confidence value. However, as always, Spoon has the final say in this.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: AccurateRip: External Tool

      It checks against all pressings.


      • EliC
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 1175

        Re: AccurateRip: External Tool

        As LtData said, a tool like this is planned. Since it would only require read access to the AR database, maybe it could be opensourced so it could be incorporated into other media managers.

        No ETA has been mentioned. Also, it wont work on any current EAC rips or old (pre r12) dbpoweramp rips, since it needs the AR ID, which r12 now writes to the tags.
        Last edited by EliC; February 24, 2007, 01:50 PM.


        • calestyo

          • Nov 2006
          • 46

          Re: AccurateRip: External Tool

          Originally posted by Spoon
          It checks against all pressings.
          And what does AR show if entries with that other pressing are found? The confidence value for that pressing?
          And if no entries are found and all tracks are wrong the "possibly different pressing" message occurs right?



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: AccurateRip: External Tool

            The confidence only means something when there is a match, ie you could rip 10 tracks they all have a 10 confidence, except 1 track which is a miss-match with a confidence of 100. The 100 is from a different pressing, 10 should be there also, but accuraterip is track based, not disc based.


            • calestyo

              • Nov 2006
              • 46

              Re: AccurateRip: External Tool

              Not sure if I understand you right:

              Originally posted by Spoon
              The 100 is from a different pressing, 10 should be there also, but accuraterip is track based, not disc based.
              Would that mean that AccurateRip shows the confidences for all available pressings? (And thus if nothing is shown I'm the firs one with this pressing)?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: AccurateRip: External Tool

                For a non-match it can be from any of the the pressings.

