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DbPoweramp for video files as well

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  • ChristinaS
    Re: DbPoweramp for video files as well

    You can convert most of those - to audio files alone

    I don't think dB will be doing any video any time soon, it's a totally different set of problems.

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  • dbPowerBOY
    started a topic DbPoweramp for video files as well

    DbPoweramp for video files as well

    I know this may sound stupid but I didnt know where to put this suggestion. but I just love the right-hand click function of this program when edititing and converting and have not seen or found this in a 'video edititing' program. I have all these files like .avi, .wmv, .mpg that I would just love to convert on a right-hand click solution rather than opening up a program.

    There could even be a duration bar on the length of time it would take for total conversion. Is there anything like this in near existense. Sorry if posted in wrong forum section.
